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natter79 last won the day on February 17 2010

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Community Reputation

17 Good

About natter79

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 06/07/1979

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    the land of the pink panther
  1. hahahaha rough n ready mate, i'm just stripping her out now so i'll put another one up later atb natter
  2. this bitch is out of mousey's Todd ignore the dates
  3. nice one, alway's a good way to spend a morning with a bit ferreting. atb natter
  4. Nice one mate, first of many for ya. Atb Natter
  5. nice write up mate, i stuggle to stop my dog from chasin a blowing leaf when his bllod is up never mind a deer bolting mid retreive atb natter
  6. i feckin hate the little grey b*****d's, their not native to the UK so feck em i say. atb natter
  7. that black pup is a fine lookin animal atb natter
  8. I had a similar situation myself mate, although the issue for me was the pup wouldn't leave the house, i would get my gear together to take the terrier and PUP for a walk and the dog's would be bouncing around all over UNTIL i opened the gate and then the pup would just collapse into a shakin wreck! well this took almost 3 days of gentle coaxing just to get the dog out of the gate, it then took me a whole week to get the pup 6ft away from the gate. all in all it took nearly a month to get the dog to walk to some local fields..................anyway the moral of the story with a nervous
  9. nice write up and pics of a good day atb natter
  10. i dont have any bull breeds as they just aren't my cup of tea, but i would assume that bullxgrey would have more lung and be able to cover a greater distance, much the same as other greyhound crosse's, BUT as i have said i dont have bull crosses so i could be a mile out and if i am i'll keep me mouth shut! atb natter
  11. barmaid is a buxom lady who pulls more than beers
  12. good hunting, feckin hell we've had 2 day's of snow it's over a foot, i walked 4 miles this afternoon with the dogs and saw not 1 rabbit mate, it's going to be bleak atb natter
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