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Everything posted by minor

  1. Cut strips of an hi viz vest n tie them on the peg end if you loose them you see them a mile off if you end up leaving any then think its a trip down to specsavers you need lol atb minor
  2. Would sooner u come n see the rifles so you can see what your buying
  3. From what I've seen of them there always getting there arse kicked the tattoo one was class proper underestimated them dudes
  4. Cadet in 177 needs attention as some wa;;ker robbed it out of ma shed but got it back with damage to the stock as for the others there in working order just need re blueing open to offers the air sporter look like an old one with the BSA on the stock open to sensible offers
  5. In 22 not in the best nick but still works fine she's got the screw silencer adapter thing on the front I have the silencer but it don't shoot as accurate with this on open to offers just trying to clear my gun room of a few that dong seem to get used any more
  6. As above in 22 used condition needs new spring as i taken it out with every intention of replacing with a new one after £ pick up only so at least you can see it before you buy it can do pics as don't know how to put them up
  7. Get a muzzle on it , but if you after using it to ground might not be the right way for her
  8. got ferrets nets if offer still stands pm me and we can sort something out atb minor
  9. Lamping smack heads in the local park ,forking brilliant that made me chuckle but you are right pmsl
  10. Ask it theres a tracking number ?
  11. I've just been to pick one of these pups up absolute crackers in excellent nick atb minor
  12. Belters them buddy like the look of the black one credit to you there In proper nick atb minor
  13. 4th knife down absolute cracker credit to you bud
  14. Cannondale caadx racing bike this bike is only 3 weeks old I've swaped my mate for my air rifle as I wasn't using my rifle no more google these bikes there around the £ 1000 mark I know I'm not going to get that just wondered if anybody was after 1 , open to realistic offers
  15. Try Manchester sefety services in heywood bud got some belters atb minor
  16. £50 for a ferret do u get a trial
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