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Everything posted by minor

  1. do you still have collarv for sale mate
  2. how you gone on with racers this season

  3. interested in gun mate if so can you txt me 07870496161
  4. how far are you from manchester pal
  5. i herd a story about a dog you had call gyp the stick or sumat like that was it a good en
  6. is that the 1 that has 50 to the gallon of oil and 15 to the gallon on deisel
  7. would you swap it for a ferret hutch two polecats three nets and a bag of frankie ferret food to keep you going for a week or two
  8. have u still got the boots im in manchester
  9. cant beleive they aint gone seffa absolute bargain
  10. home made are stronger ,id get an home made one ,i had a days shooting ruened after an hour all caused by the allen key grub screw worn
  11. any pictures mate?? id like to see them to mate
  12. bags get wet and make it hard for the ferret to breath,and the ferret ended up dead ,it happened to a mate of mine a few years back , boxes are best if you value your ferret ,look after them and they,ll look after you
  13. nice dog mate whats the breeding
  14. whats up get the sledges out
  15. is that an 8ft and 15ft collar? 8foot box,15ft and 8 ft collars just to add lads,i will post on recieval of postal order,thanks rob mk1 boxes are better than mk3 anyday everybody ive spoke to hate them ,might be making a mistake there pal
  16. oh and the bit about the sharks is true ill tell you lot again another time highlander dont know what you bin on today action seffa but ill be needing the recipe next time we meet
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