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About wilkieone

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 06/01/1958

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  1. Hi called BASC, and read it out to him, 'the firearms and ammuntition to which this certificate relates shall be used for pest control and for zeroing on ranges or land over which the holder has permission to shoot with that class of firearm from the persons by whom the shooting rights are owned or from whom they may be leased or otherwise obtained'. he tells me, basic 'open ticket'. i relaise i may not get the same rights if i go for a SGC, but we'll see.
  2. Yes you can get a FAC rated shotgun. but you still have to prove you need one. You are stillplaced under the same restrictions as with a firearm.. ie if you do not have an open licence, every bit of land has to be approved. Also if you prove you need one for pigeon..you cant use it for rabbit unless it is listed on your ticket. IMHO you wont get one..... Just get an SGC. If you have FAC, they basically can't not give you an SGC. Matt Hi Matt, stupid question, how do i know if i have an open licence? i have looked at my licence, it does not say anywhere on it that i have to s
  3. Yes you can get a FAC rated shotgun. but you still have to prove you need one. You are stillplaced under the same restrictions as with a firearm.. ie if you do not have an open licence, every bit of land has to be approved. Also if you prove you need one for pigeon..you cant use it for rabbit unless it is listed on your ticket. IMHO you wont get one..... Just get an SGC. If you have FAC, they basically can't not give you an SGC. Matt Hi Matt, stupid question, how do i know if i have an open licence? i have looked at my licence, it does not say anywhere on it that i have to s
  4. Thanks All, Sterry, thanks for the info, still not too sure, i have two permissions, both small, 1 acre, 10 acres with occasional horses. so i may have a problem with a shotgun, ther again, if i apply, they can only say no, or maybe yes? thanks again all, this forum has been my best source of information, moreso than the gun dealers around here! Paul
  5. Another problem with a .22 is ricochet off the ground. Trying to hit a moving target with a single round is difficult and some would say potentially dangerous given the distances that theses weapons have for range. A shotgun is probably a more suited weapon for the type of shooting you have described. Like they say you wouldn't wear a pair of rugby boots to play table tennis. as i'm new to this, only had a license for 1 year, if i did go down the shotgun route, what would that entail? variation, mentor?
  6. Hi, reason for open sighted is, that i used to shoot when i was much younger, open sighted, plus there is a public path close by, and looking through a sight does not give me confidence there is no one esle around, open sighted, i can look around follow the bunny, and take a cleasr shot. i read somewhere that you only know when a gun is right, when you hold it? the dealers around here (Hertfordshire) stock 1 maybe 2 22's so, how would i know? how many do your dealers stock?
  7. Many thanks for the replies, as said earlier, i am new to this, so i do not understand short wide telescopic sights, 10/22 or 1.5-6. seems mistakenly, i thought there was only one type of scope, long range. i am ok on long shots, but now and then, a bunnie pops up around 50 yrds or so, by the time i have raised the rifle, focused the scope, he's gone! also, i use my dog to flush out bunnies in hiding, very difficult to shoot with my present set up. before i get a lot of replies to this, my dog is trained to flush, and stay, not chase. so clear shot. thanks again, i'm getting more
  8. Hi All, having made a bad choice recently with a 22 sabbati, returned it, applied for my variation, got it. now in the market for another open sighted rifle, problem is, i'm still fairly new, so need advice. which rifle is best, the gun dealers i have been to say that thiers is the best, mainly CZ. semi auto, single bolt? £300 is about my limit. i have a 17 for the long work, now need a 22 for shorter work. any help appreciated. thanks Paul
  9. Thanks all for the replies. finally got the shop to take the gun back as faulty. applied for my variation, may get it back in two weeks! worth remebering for new shooters like me, that spending some time getting the right gun is crucial, to save all this fafffing around. any suggestions for a 22 open sight for rabbbits? Paul
  10. Hi All, just bought a 22 rim sabatti semi, second hand, from the start the magazine kept getting jammed, so i have taken it back to the shop, he is going to 'have a look' at it this weekend, and if he finds the same problem, i will get my money back. but he says i will need a variation, is this right? i need a variation to return this gun, get my money back to go to another shop and buy another one? surley it can't be right, and he is just trying to discourage me from getting my cash back? supposing i do get my money back, suggestions for 22 rim open sighted for rabbits.
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