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Country Joe

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Everything posted by Country Joe

  1. I do hedges on my own, when I net the far side of the hedge I just make sure that the purse nets are set perfect and the peg well into the ground, so The rabbits are well caught, then i nip round and have the Rabbit. Im not saying its easy, as its not, but it can be productive. If one bolts when you are at the other side of the hedge, the dog should hold it.
  2. I used to take big bags years ago, now six or 4 Rabbits is plenty for me. Especially when being a solo Ferreter, and having to carry everything, I agree with Fitchet its just good to get out and watch the Dog and ferrets work.
  3. Well done, very similar to using a longnet, I remember a unlucky Rabbit last Season, I had finished netting up a hedge with about 12 purse nets,when the Whippet raised a Rabbit out in the field, the Rabbit running to the hedge, went down a bury that I had forgot to lift the net. One unlucky Rabbit.
  4. Mine go in the freezer, to feed the Whippet and the Ferts.
  5. What make of battery do you use for your mark1 finder?
  6. With all the interest in the mark1 on forums, and the big money they make on Ebay. I just cant understand why Deben will not remake them, im sure brand new, they would sell well.
  7. And marking a hedge at six months, on both occasions the Bunnies were at home. Theres a big difference to over taxing a young Dog, on the lamp or chasing things it would never catch. To watching a young Dog working along a hedgerow using his nose. Stay Lucky.
  8. He is 21inches, I agree with Mally, I also have seen different crosses that yipped.
  9. I never said there was, i never mentioned lamping, in fact this dog has never lamped. he has just ferreted and mooching, but will have to get off my backside, and get him out on the lamp.
  10. not knocking starting later, but i took my Whippet Pup ferreting at six months, he was starting to use his nose, and see the rabbits hitting the nets, and seeing how the ferts worked, just hunting along hedgerows. And he has never yipped. this is the way i brought on my Whippet X Bedlingtons, and they never yipped either. this is him at six Months.
  11. Why dont you compromise,I feed Rabbit in the ferreting Months, and in the Summer when flies are aboot, i feed a complete, or if you are caught short, a wee bit complete is okay. I get mine from local pet shop, has the same ingredients in the bag, as the well known compete, at half the price.
  12. For Ferreting, any warm trousers will do, the main thing is to have a pair of wax leggings, the ones with the studs up the side, great for kneeling at hedges, helps stop thorns going into the knees. The big shots Barbour ect are too expensive i picked mine up new, on Ebay,
  13. The mark1 will pick up the mark3 collar, dont know about the mark2 never had one, im sure the mark3m will only pick up the mark3 collar.
  14. Get in touch with Netrigger on here, one off the finest netmakers in the Country, and get some spun polly. Bill does them in all hi viz colours, and is a Gentleman to deal with.
  15. i have never fed in the morning, when going Ferreting, but my ferrets are well cared for, but from now on,i will give them a small amount of complete before heading out.
  16. David Arthur, comes highly recommended,he has just calibrated and serviced my box, and fixed my 15ft collar ,that was totally knacked £22, his mark1 collars are New at £40 come with a one year guarantee. He is from Rotherham, Contact number-07951286630. Have asked Mods to pin this post, but they appear not to be interested.
  17. Im an old type ferreter, have never fed the Morning on going out, but you have to move with the times. So from now on, I will give them a small amount of complete, it will be interesting to see if it makes a difference, work wise, but i dont think it will.
  18. I also have the Lithium pack, it was put away six months ago fully charged, checked it last night and immediately the charge showed green. I thought it would have lost some charge,do think everything is okay, and do they usually keep their charge for so long.
  19. I agree with the above posts, if 15ft down you dont want a Ferret that wont leave, but you also can have them, that keep moving the rabbit. This can be annoying, if you are digging down to find the have moved. Most stop this, when they become adept at killing.
  20. I know the younger members think we are Dinosaurs,but the mark3m is shit, What is worrying is, i bet Deben are looking at bringing out the new mark4,with more dials and led lights, stupid noises,and most important, far more expensive. Watch this space.
  21. I was in China two years ago, managed to find some Fishing Tackle shops, thought i would be able to buy a ferret finder dead cheap, but never saw any. and impossible to tell the shopkeeper what I was looking for. Dont think they have Ferrets, and after visiting local markets, if they did, they would be eaten.
  22. When do you think this new finder would be up and running? I like the clicks of the old box, so i would not change that. And also make them hi viz orange. The main thing for me,would be trying to improve the interference from wire,as most of my ferreting is hedges with netting fencing, and trying to get a mark close to wire fencing, is extremely difficult, Im sure someone from Deben will be looking at this post with interest. Although there are few out there who get a long with the mark3,theres a lot including myself who just dont get along with it. Flashing lights, and weird screeching
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