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Country Joe

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Everything posted by Country Joe

  1. The Garvimit is a multi vitamin and conditioner, £13 a bag at my local greyhound track, that's for the 20% didn't ask about the others, the Garvimit is £20 a kilo.
  2. I feed my Whippet one pound of raw daily, Beef or Chicken or Rabbit, with brown rice or biscuit plus veg. he rarely eats the biscuit or rice, but my mate gave me a handful of Gain which I mixed with his meat, and he cleaned the plate. I contacted the rep who because i wish to carry on feeding Raw Meat, I should use the Gain 20%. But also advised i should use this supplement, i know its their job to sell but what do think of this diet? http://www.gainfeeds.com/greyhound/garmivit
  3. I was taught by two old netters, which was difficult, as then there was no books, or dvds, and one of these old Poachers got stick for showing me. a lot different now. I only worked 100 yards at night traditional, agree with whats been said, don't know what type of ground you have, but you should catch more on a set which is not a flat field, up here we call them, an over the hill set.
  4. I think he was meaning, are they off a line of good workers, is the Jill a good worker, and also the hob, If not, i wouldn't bother.
  5. As you say the dogs have been good to you in the past, and if you have no land to hunt, why not keep them as pets, and don't say they need to be worked, all a dog needs is, good housing, grub, and exercise, and their happy and you will get exercise as well.
  6. yes it is to bring them out, never used it myself, i have a snipped hob. Dont know anything about testosterone, I would ask a Vet?
  7. Last year I dyed my old hemp nets, with a Dylon bright red, they didn't turn out as red as i wanted, more a maroon. But they are okay, and you can see them better than the straw coloured hemp.
  8. I agree, Ferret welfare has improved drastically, unfortunately I would feed bread and milk, especially in the Summer. but now with the completes, and as you say Jill jabs etc and forums like this giving out information, ferret welfare has never been better. i was like you Daz, would go out as a lad and return with two rabbits, and be over the moon, then moved on to catching bigger numbers, now going back to catching 4 or 6 and happy with that, as long as i get out with the whippet im a happy Man.
  9. Good photos, and you must have a lot of patience to work as many dogs when ferreting, I mostly just have the one, two at the most.
  10. When I first started Ferreting, there was no locators, nets that i seen were all hemp and nylon, didn't see any spun polyester, or bright colours, all nets were drab. All longnets were traditional, didn't see any quicksets or baskets. now having all these ferreting aids, to the better, Do you now think we have went as far as possible. Or what do you think we will be using in the future? With electronics moving so fast, I think locators could change altogether. Mind you, there's a lot out there including myself who don't rate the present Mark3m, thinking there is room for a lot of improv
  11. You need the end to be a bit wider than the rest of the bar, you then can feel the tube a lot easier when you break through.Thats why Mole dibbers are all made this way. Honestly mate,, you don't,, I have used both So have I Tomo, maybe its a physiological thing, my Mate made me two, one with the nut on the end, and one without.and i prefer the first one. CJ.
  12. You need the end to be a bit wider than the rest of the bar, you then can feel the tube a lot easier when you break through. Thats why Mole dibbers are all made this way.
  13. A good method, but you don't get, the thump thump and the woosh as the rabbit hits the nets, ye canny beat crawling through buckthorn, hands constantly being stung by nettles. and a good three fit dig.
  14. http://www.molecatching.co.uk/Shop.html best price for those that want to buy £12.50 includes postage.
  15. Went for a mooch today, took one Jill, Whippet marked first set. Bolted three, dug one. Two in young, that's me finished till next Season.
  16. Same here, the general shape of the collar, I would say its a standard.
  17. A good season for me, but i don't now do big numbers, but usually have four at least on my mooches. The whippet is coming on well, marking and catching. It was good meeting up with Cumbrianratcher, had a couple of days out using different sizes of quicksets. really enjoyed it. Have pre booked a pup which will keep me busy. Sire 23 inch Whippet. Dam Bedlington X 3/4 Whippet X 1/4 Greyhound.
  18. Very good, but I think I will stick to my £7 Masterhunter version.
  19. We used to have lengths of fence wire hidden, at all the best tree roots, but not snares,, we would bend the snare and shove it up the handlebar of the old bike, then put the handlebar grips back on. brought back happy memories, the man who introduced me to the world of Lurchers, ferreting, snaring, and gaffing Sambos, sadly died a few months ago.
  20. Small Bitch, must have been 21 or 22, breeding unknown, but looked like Whippet was in there. bags of stamina, and could turn on a sixpence, when she locked on, she stuck like glue. Saw her run against a few crosses. Mainly 3/4 Collie X Greyhounds and Deerhound crosses, that were a popular cross at the time. and she could beat them all.
  21. If you were looking for a Ferreting dog, and to do a bit of Ratting. What would be the advantage of a Bull X Whippet instead of a Bedlington X Whippet?
  22. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/370623359674?ssPageName=STRK:MESINDXX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1436.l2648 Would this do?
  23. Cracken photos, didn't know Amsterdam was only 10 mins from the Northern Fells.
  24. I have known a few vets over the years, and if you turn up with camo gear and a lamp, with an injured Dog, they would not be bothered. As long as you had the insurance claims form in your pocket. As that means ££££££. I would have just insured the dog as a cross breed, what I would do, is look at the small print, as I have been told that some insurance companies, will not consider you insured unless your inoculations, boosters are up to date.
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