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Country Joe

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Everything posted by Country Joe

  1. Trim a bit of the belly fur off with a sharp knife exposes the skin, then make a slight cut then with two fingers pull and open it up.
  2. & months, and on a learning chain, learning the old ferreting game, nice and steady round the nets, and marking burys.
  3. It would be a boring all life, if us Rabbiters just used Whippets, Beddys have been bred with Whippets for years and if this cross didn't produce a decent rabbiting dog then nobody would do it. Then theres the cost, most pedigree whippet breeders are looking for £350 £400 a pop.
  4. Ive been approached twice recently, people who know ive been around beddy crosses for years, have told them to contact me. both wanted dogs as pets, and they wanted them to be like Greengrasses out of Heartbeat, I told them to go on preloved. had a look and £250 appears to be the going rate, they were not interested in any three part Whippet quarter Beddy, that were smooth coated. they wanted Rough haired.
  5. One vasectomy Hob, and his Sister and one Jill born this year. I prefer to work two Jills.
  6. PK thats what I used on my new kennel, my mates a Blacksmith and he bent the aluminium for me. but he prefers this.
  7. I would imagine you will get those strips that Plasterers use at a builders merchant.
  8. I dont know about MB, dont know how many broods or how many litters he breeds, but Its because hancocks is run as a business.
  9. Granddam was non ped Whippet, who had a little greyhound in her lines. Beddy was of Granitor strain.
  10. Sire, genuine MB Whippet. Dam Beddlington X Whippet. 7 Months.
  11. With the amount of Lads looking for Nelson on here, perhaps his contact numbers can be pinned. He is good to deal with, and sells quality kit, at decent prices. Highly recommended.
  12. And another marked three burys that were occupied, and chased a rabbit into bury, came and found me, and took me back to bury, knew he wouldnt bolt, but turned out an easy dig.
  13. Well pleased with this Pups progress, sire MB Whippet.
  14. I have a Jill, that appears to hate other Jills, put her in with my young Jill who was born in May, and she instantly went into full attack mode. I've had ferts for over 40 years and know how they can fight, but I had to pull her off the young jill, who was bleeding at the neck, i don't know what would have happened if i had left them to it.
  15. She is looking good, not had her out yet. I have another Jill, who is a cracken worker, but is a psychopath. fights hard with any Jill, put them together and had to separate. , thought she would have killed it. Not yer usual ferret attack, but an all out attack. its a real hassle as I have them in a separate hutch. but as I say the older Jill is a good worker. had her out yesterday working with LCs Jills, as usual she worked well, but you could here them fighting below. and I have no doubts, she would be the instigator.
  16. I use one of LCs pole pushers, made from Aliminium, its light, fits in your pocket. and pushes the pole with ease into any ground.
  17. This is a piss take, but this subject comes up time and time again, Lads advertising their stock as laguna Whippets, As been said Luguna is not a breed its a prefix of the late Mrs Dorrit Mckay, Same as in Greyhound racing Westmead belongs to the Savvas, If you bought a Whippet from mrs Mckay, you still could not call it Laguna whatever, without the owner of the prefix permission.
  18. He has done few Nets for Lads on the Working Bedlington forum, with good reviews, and if Netrigger is passing on his details, he must be good.
  19. What has always worked for me, AH COULD HAVE CAUGHT THAT RABBIT< YA USELESS FECKER< YER GETTING NAE DINNER THE NIGHT. works a treet, and guarantees Bunnies in the bag.
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