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Country Joe

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Everything posted by Country Joe

  1. Is there much difference in ingredients Gain Record Breaker to Gain 28, I see Gain 28. £13, the other £22.
  2. Although i feed raw, my 7 month pup had a bowl of gain puppy, ad lib, now needing to buy another bag, Apart from the price, thinking of using Gain 28, doesn't appear to be a big difference in ingredients. What do you lovers of Gain feeds use?
  3. You might be better putting this on the Bushing Section, and also on Dogs for sale under wanted.
  4. Keep looking on the posts on here, on whatever cross you fancy, when you like the look of a certain strain, by photos and working posts, contact the owner, if he is not breeding, he may put you on too good contacts. Smooth coated is your preference, but whats wrong with a broken coat?
  5. Nice pup, should be spelt Celt. A Kelt is a spent Salmon.
  6. Thats cause I put the stone on the foot line.
  7. If there bred right, ist cross Beddy X Whippets should work cover.
  8. i take mine out late September, he was 6 months let him see the ferrets working hearing the sounds from bellow ground, and watching the rabbits hitting the nets, with a bit of luck they will start marking. the photo above he had just turned 7 months, on his last two outings he has marked occupied burys I have ferreted. coming on good. Rabbiting dogs dont learn in a kennel, best of luck with your tyke.
  9. Ran one years ago, first cross Whippet X Greyhound, great early pace, but spent most time lying up bad feet
  10. Can you put in the last shot of the two litter Brothers?
  11. Always willing to help, but there's a few Lads that run this cross on here, with more knowledge than me.
  12. Years ago I had a first cross Whippet x Bedlington, she was deadly on ferels, but at home would sleep next to the Cat. and never once bothered it.
  13. I seen some really good first crosses, as this type of Lurcher was very popular where I live. Yes the Border Collies used were workers, but not Rabbits, they were out and out Sheep and cattle dogs. The Greyhound Bitches were obtained from the local Flapping track, and I doubt they saw many rabbits. The best Dog from these litters was usually bred again to an ex flapping Greyhound Bitch.
  14. When I bred the above Bitch back to a Whippet all Pups were rough haired not one smooth or broken coated. All were blue except this Bitch, nobody wanted her, she turned out a top class Rabbiting dog.
  15. Apoligies for putting this photo up its been on a few times, top class rabbiting bitch, Ratter, and Feather, and 100% marker. photo taken 30 years ago. Sire Working Whippet. Dam Working Bedlington.
  16. Maybe they are not easy to find, as they are usually bred with the dam being a whippet. And there's a lot of Whippet breeders asking £350 to 400, so breeding to a Bedlington would lower the profits, On Prelove and similar sites, they go for £200 to £250. Unless you can find a breeder who is breeding to keep a pup for themselves.
  17. I would go with that, as long as it holds the net up, and can safely bag up a bolting rabbit, I used a traditional for years, nowt wrong with that. But now for ferreting I use the basket system with pre set stop nets, have you tried this method.
  18. A lady approached me looking for one for a pet, im well known on the beddy forum, put a post up i was looking for one, never got answer, the lady is picking one up from Doncaster she got in in PAH site of workers.
  19. My secret weapon is my old NHS Identity badge, and when i tell them im a retired Nurse, its seems to make a difference. Everybody loves Nurses.
  20. 3/4 Whippet 1/4 Bedlington, with a little bit of Greyhound in the back breeding 1/16th.
  21. Visited a wood i used to do years ago, don't know who owns it Had my vasectomy Hob out, don't usually take him, as I prefer Jills, he is 2 and1/2 years old and only been out a couple of times, well he worked well finding and bolting 6 rabbits. Once again My pup marked every occupied bury and raising two and putting them down burys, then marking. he is turning into a nice steady dog, not going near the nets once they are down, and position himself above the holes, where i just needed to lightly hold his collar. as the rabbits hit the nets he is holding them for me, and with a leave, lets t
  22. With my Vet, with Petplan say the dog was injured, the Vet would treat the dog, you then fill in the claim form, the vet gets paid by petplan, then I just pay the excess.
  23. A number of years ago I was approached by a Keeper for ferreting on a estate which had a large Rabbit population. his one condition was no dogs, I turned him down. As having a dog with me, and watching it work, is for me what ferreting is all about, and couldn't face loading the ferreting gear into the car, and leaving your loyal tyke at home. I know there are a lot of ferreters who don't use a dog, but this is not for me.
  24. If you have a reasonable excuse for having a knife eg Ferreting and the blade is legally the correct size. then you don't need to throw it away. If hunting where you have no permission, then it may be easier to dump the knife.
  25. Im with petplan they get good reviews, and appear to pay up no problem. NFU are to expensive, there are better deals out there.
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