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Everything posted by hawkanddog

  1. Thanks for the info lads. All things considered think we are going to look at borders.....
  2. Thanks for the info. Been to look at a litter today, but hey there asking 500 quid a pup, seems an awful lot dosh. There quite leggy, bitch is about 18 inches and never been worked.
  3. Thanks for that, anyone else have any experience with them?
  4. We are after another dog and the wife has sort of agreed to an Irish Terrier. Anyone, owned and worked one? What are your thoughts on the breed...
  5. Nice Fish, lake 7 woolpack fishery?
  6. Too right, you have the right approach
  7. Nice shooting, venison steaks all round then
  8. JoeB, Bet you still tell them to wash there hands though?
  9. So thats why Cheetah always had a funny look, bloody Tarzan was noncing him :11:
  10. Ah but its Sunday!! So it will be the Glorious 13th
  11. Aye there little vandals
  12. Last year I went through a course of treatment that left me with no immune system. I was told it will take up to 2 years to return. It was something else to worry about on top of everything else, but I cant say that I have suffered with lots of cold etc. I wasnt told NOT to wash my hands when I have a pish, as it would help me build up my immune system. There are good bacterias that our bodies need to aid digestion etc, we have microscopic parasites that live on our bodies that help us function removing skin, they even live in our eyelashes etc. We get these from just being in
  13. Hi and a very, very , very warm welcome to you. Any chance of arranging to get some tanned roo skins off you suitable for falconry? Will pay of course PM if we could set something up My Ma always said , shy bairns get nowt!!!
  14. Frank, Dont forget your shovel, is that in there ????? or are you keepin it in the house in pride of place??????? :11: :11: :11:
  15. QUOTE ........Is it really neccesary to wash your hands everytime you have had a piss, NO its not :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: Rabbithunter, Remind me not to eat the peanuts on the bar counter after you, are all these people that are ill, the occupants of your local ???. They've probably caught bloody disentry off you!!!! :sick: There are standards of hygiene that should be adhered too, and thats one of them
  16. Patterdales suffer from it when the red mist comes down, come to think of it we all suffer from it when the wifes yacking or is that selective hearing? :11:
  17. Didnt think it got warm enough up in Northumberland for fans in the shed, or with global warming is Amble going to be the new riviera?
  18. And I thought meat came from Tescos... Amazing
  19. Gin, Are they rabbits in your shed?
  20. Quote :"They scare the shit out of me". I knew a spider once, said the same about minges
  21. Thats the thing with gettin on a bit, plenty of life experiences to tell. All these years I said nowt about doing that to Marion with the spider, now Ive told everyone. Hope you get your screen clean :11:
  22. Mine came from Bishop Aukland near Durham and I dont know the full history of the line. Only saw the sire, real broken coated fell type.
  23. Are they english game?
  24. Well, when she was recovering, drinking some sweet tea, I heard her telling a colleague, "It landed right between my legs", polite for MINGE.
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