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About Bobba_fett

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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  • Location
    Scotland, North East
  • Interests
    Gamekeeping,shooting, trapping, gundogs and running dogs

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  1. i've got a big mincer you can put a hen pheasant in whole (minis head,guts and wings) cock birds need split in two. dogs wolf it down no complaints.
  2. no Lanarkshire. mother was a wheaton/ gray over a pure GWP father was a 1/3bull 2/3gray
  3. Bitch Chaos at the front, 7 months
  4. My bitch pup Chaos 7 and a bit months on
  5. Im hoping a bit of everything probably mostly mooching about by day but I'm going to get it on the lamp to. I'm keepering up in the Scottish Highlands so it needs to be fairly sturdy.
  6. Mother was a wheaton x grey over a gwp bitch Father was a bull x grey
  7. My bitch pup, 5 months Wheaton, Bull, Grey + GWP
  8. i've caught 3 in the same spot by accident in big fox cages before with a road kill pheasant. released unharmed i might add. I've also set out to get photos of them on my trail cam with just a rabbit leg as bait. they same pretty bold by nature.
  9. My only running dog atm, shes about to turn 5 months
  10. A friend of mines bitch should be coming into season in a month or two and hes been let down by the GWP breeder in regards to a stud dog, I thought i might ask on here for him if anyone could recommend a good breeding line/ Stud in the UK. Dog to have minimum hip, eye and VWD tests and kc reg, Heavily liver marked/solid, easy trainable and level headed but will work all day. working vermin would be an added bonus, not asking for much.... Hopefully I will be taking a pup so it is in my interest also to find him a good stud. Cheers, Bobba
  11. I've had a few recently in mink cages with mack had them set with duck heads but nout, changed it to a bit of mackerel had one in the next day.
  12. I've had a few recently in mink cages with mack had them set with duck heads but nout, changed it to a bit of mackerel had one in the next day.
  13. Can anyone recommend a make or model and how and where they set theirs? Thanks Bobba
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