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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. your girlfriend I do find some of your posts slightly well.... odd sometimes (foot trapping ) But that was fairly funny to be honest.
  2. Hob&Jill


    Cant see him wanting to be to be honest, why would he? I agree he would be a good one if he was. Cant see it being much fun myself, all the aggro, slagging and tough decisions.
  3. Abit of a vague poll I think
  4. Nice one, Fine looking stafford you have aswel
  5. Trust me here, you will soon rename yourself 'The f*****g noisy ferreter!' when you start using the mk3 Yeh, thats one thing I dont like about it, the noise, and occasionally when it seems to be having a sing song, as long as the Ferret is settled you should be good, dont bother until they have settled and stopped moving.
  6. Nice pics, looks lik ea good day out, how olds the dog? Is that a smal toolbox your using for the ferrets? If so, thats a good idea, nice a light.
  7. Thanks all, cant wait for next week, Should be working a field in a science laboratory Thanks, I was happy the way the tree pic came out. Some of the worse pictures were taken on my phone so obviousy are not great.
  8. I was waiting for you to come along Ditchy Dry food Im trying to get off it, but cant get the money and the butchers dont have a off cuts I will sort myself out soon and go over to raw feeding, especially afetr seing the differencr in my ferrets. Yeh, I will take her to the vets, get it sorted. Just out of curiousity, Liver Spots, what are they? are they serious? Hob&Jill
  9. No defently not ticks, they seem to be 'in' her skin, well not in but somethign thats you couldnt pull off. they are also about the size, of a 5p coin, streched into oval shape I will try and get a pic, hard though with a black broken coated pup
  10. Here Im applying for my cert soon, Think Im going to get the s/b/s/ Baikal, fairly cheap looks neat. Have also heard they are built well.
  11. Thats the point mate, the people who use it will get sick of there posts being unreadable and post properly....hopefully...
  12. Hi, My Beddy cross seems to have little light reddy-pink oval shaped things on her? She has 3 at the moment, one at the top of her leg, one on her ear and one her frount leg, does anyone have a clue what these are? She used to have one on her muzzle, but as far as I can see, it has gone. At first I was thinking it was a healing cut from one of the cats giving her a swipe, but they cant be to many and odd places. Any help please? as I dont want the vets, firsty as I f*****g hate them and second they are discustingly expensive, but obviously if this is serious she will be strait t
  13. Dotn get me wrong I hate text talk but Id rather put up with it and know what someone is saying than see [bANNED TEXT] all over someones post.
  14. Normally eat mine, Thats the main enjoyment for me, Going out any being abl eto eat what you catch. If I have to much it goes to the ferrets, only fair they got it for me lol. Have yet to get enough to make it worth while to sell to the butcher.
  15. What the f**k is happening? I dont understand why we cant just support EACH OTHER. Just because your sport is banned, dosent meen you can go off on one when someone posts about shooting charlies.
  16. For you or dogs? Im looking for one for dogs, fecking expensive lol
  17. I will be breeding my Poly Jill this year, probably to a small Albino Hob. Just out of curiousity what do you think this would throw?
  18. What have you chosen then mate? Edit>Just checked a couple of threads down Unlucky, sure you will find one, keep looking
  19. Hob&Jill


    How temping it is just to quote every post in the thread, then say 'ok will do' :D
  20. Turns out they are protected I think, just had a look. Which is odd, I thought they were non indigenous? They are in there thousands down here, absolutly everywhere. I will tell the guys at the shoot. [Edited Nightwalker]. After all nightwalker, who am I to slate another mans choice of quarry and methods they use
  21. Is that a joke? :sick: :wacko:
  22. They are noisy b*****ds, Edited. Nightwalker Are they legal quarry? :whistle:
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