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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. i wouldn't say he is any were near a genius Fair enough, you dont like him, I personally find the stuff he writes very funny.
  2. Was that the full on £30 version Berkutchi? If so I would be pig sick! I got the cheap copy dvd of ebay for £3
  3. I had this one recently, Go to 'Options' box in teh top right hand part of your post and click 'Standard' Hope thats what you meen.
  4. I bought the DVDWhippets at work and have just watched it, I wasnt that impressed, they got alot of rabbits but it was fairly boring to be honest. Anyone else seen it? What did you make of it? Are warreners other DVD's better? H&J
  5. For £20 I would probably buy one mate, suppose about £30 with PnP? No promises though, as my current spade is doing ok but seems to be slightly coming loose where the wood meets the spade end bit. Its quite hard to find stell shafted spades with a T on the end.
  6. Yes, thats the idea of selling things?
  7. £17 for a stick? Naa think Im ok for the time being......
  8. Hob&Jill

    Hunting forums

    I really want to join the Patterdalebbs, as I have my old Patterdale, granted, he isnt a earth dog just Rabbiting but would love the chance to learn more about terrier work, but I have tried and they never seem to accept me, anyone know why? I go on; Anglers net Smoochers (read mainly) bushcraft uk airgun bbs (used to more) airgun forum (used to more aswel) This one So Im a busy boy
  9. Ha lol, like that one Ditchy. Also, that website has to be one of the best around, the guy is a f*****g genious!
  10. I know what you meen Ditchy. Some people you only see pics of theres dogs with there neck being pulled up by the lead! I cant wait to see the pics of her first rabbit etc, is nice when you get the first post of 'heres my new whippet pup' then we go on and its like watching her grow up, will be great when we see her catches and ferreting pics. Dont stop taking pics, its adds to the forum, and I for one enjoy your posts and pics of her Sometimes it does seem abit bland 'what are dave hancocks dogs like?' 'will my staffy catch rabbits?' that sort of thing lol Keep it up,
  11. Maybe introducing Ferrets to dogs? All I can possibly think of.
  12. Vets canceled on thursday with all the snow, but we will be booking her in for sometime next week.
  13. Nice pup My pup growls and barks at the snow! she really dosent understand it lol
  14. Hob&Jill


    Take him out Ferreting, he will soon be loving it, cant compete with the feeling of watching your own animals working, and rabbits bolting
  15. Went out there today, and it was frozen I have wrapped the bubble wrap in material tape, then put a layer of thick kitchen towel then wrapped it again in material tape It will probably be to hot for them now lol.
  16. Fair enough Tommy, Where you from? there might be guys from this site that could show you the ropes. Im still new to it, but luckly theres a few peoplw around me who go, but we used to have ferrets a few years back so I do know the basics.
  17. T .. H .....I .......S ............S .............. I .................T ................... E ........................I .........................S ..............................G ...............................O .................................I ..................................N ...................................G ..................................... .D .........................................O ...........................................W ..............................................N .....................................................H ........
  18. I would get 2 Hobs and have them chopped I have a mate who keeps 2 Hobs as pets (he does work them very occasionally) and they are nice, there alot less scaty than jills and laid back. I do agree with ginge though, why not? I cant understand why people would want ferrets as pets to be honest, Horrible shits, tempermental on ocassions and they will do no more than a rabbit etc lol I do love them, great animals and bags of character but working them is what its all about for me, that sudden rush of exitment when a Rabbit bolts, that never gets boring .
  19. I rap mine in bubble wrap, I have never had it freeze and it was -7 last night
  20. No, no problems mate, the dog is booked in to the vets for thursday, I will let you know what it is (thats if the thieving b*****ds know!!) They will probably change me £100 and give me a tube of what effectivly is savlon or the like lol. Ive heard that eye drops for dogs are the same as human eye drops yet they charge alot more, any truth?
  21. why is that mate Just think there is no answer really, some are will be god, some will be bad and I doubt everyone who has voted in the 'good' or 'shit' section has had one of his dogs. I do know someone with one and shes a nice dog, he says shes a exelent ferreting dog and ok on the lamp but I have never actually seen it work though. She is quite timid, nto really nervous though. Im really temped to go up there and actually see the conditions the pups are in there, but knowing me I would leave with a pup
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