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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. I dont mind plucking, quite enjoy it to be honest lol. I like to see weather I can do it with no rips, I know, im sad!
  2. I know that, thats why most have stopped, and by the way I use a locator, It sjust I think everyone is entitled an opinion on what they do withut being branded a Fool. Fair enough lol!
  3. No there not, your a fool for making such a f*****g statement, there are people who cannot afford one and some like ditch, that prefer the old way. Does it meen that they shouldnt provide meat for the table? Oh, and by the way and one who cant spell 'Ferreting' is a fool
  4. Actually Ditch, she had 2 rabbit legs today for dinner, got them last week and have been frozen, she did enjoy them, Bloomin dog caned the lot! fur and all. I have pleantly of pheasent I can give her aswel, loads that I get from beating, still in the freezer, she can have some tommorow. Slowly but surley Im geting there The vet also asked what I feed her, so I said mainly dry food, james wellbesomethingorother what did she reply? you should start feeding her on 'Science proplan' Which, coincidently they sold in reception- theiving b*****ds! But yes, She will be on meat soon enough
  5. Its not a ferret regester its a ferreters regester, good site, they have lists of ferret kits available, vasectamised hobs available etc Look at the site, dont know the adress, google it and it shoudl come up
  6. Had her in there on friday, as I suspected the vets said nothing more conclusive than you lot "Well it could be......" "It might be dog acne......" "It could possibly be......" Cant f*****g stand vets Had to endure some fecking old woman telling be about her 'Bunnies', no not Rabbits, there fecking Bunnies! and how it has bad feet lol Felt like saying...... I DONT GIVE A SHIT!!! Went to find out what they were, came back without an answer, all the vet did was tell me she needs worming (and so do mums cats- how f*****g conveniant, hey?) Anyone else dispise vets? Or anyone kn
  7. Lovly looking dogs, thanks for the pics mate Have you ever had a pure whippet? Just wondering what are advantages of having the greyhound in there? obviously more speed but what else? Are they from any well known working whippet lines? Love the pic of the blue one in the snow
  8. Never had one, but I think the general opinion is they shoudl have never left the Deben factory?
  9. Hob&Jill

    Best 3 films

    Pulp fiction, goodfellas and the new bond film wasnt bad, certainly not one of my top 3, to hard to decide, when a few more start posting I will realise!
  10. Been out a few times in the half term, the first time I went out we got 4, and a pigeon that we found by a ditch that was injured, dispatched it and the ferrets had it. I was a good day out we only done 2 warrens and no digs- nice and easy and Im only ferreting for sport, no major pest control so it was a nice number to have. Went out to the same fields a few days later, to do a couple more warrens, only got 2 this time but again no digging so it was all nice and easy going, just how I like it It was also nice as we got partically close to a pare of Roe Deer sunbathing in some high gra
  11. Fezz, got any pics of your greyxwhips? Im interested in geting a whippet or a whippetxgrey for ferreting and if I get a longdog or lurcher, I suppose I should start lamping aswel, would you recomend them?
  12. What is a break stick? Any pics?
  13. Snoop, I have looked at a few of the marksmen knives on Flea-bay and they are very well priced, I will be going for one, But just wondering, Are the blades that come with it sharp? or is it worth me buying others? Thanks, H&J
  14. Well done, you must be happy I bet not many girls her age have shot rabbits! Was it on the lamp? H&J
  15. Thats not a bad idea actually mate Think I might go for a stanly, Sice my dads a chippy and gets discounts at Travis Perkins, Think I will go get a stanly and a pack of blades. Well, that saved me about £25! might not exactly be traditional or fit any of the descriptions I asked, but there cheap and replaceable. It will only be for gutting rabbits, any occasional feathers I get, I will use my current knife. Cheers, H&J
  16. Hi, Thought I would ask you lot a question, I need a new knife, but dont know what to get. Ive about £30 (little over little less dosent matter), dont want to go to much over as I need money, It must be razor sharp, hold the edge well and be a fixed blade, The rest is up to you Prefer more traditional looking knifes, but obviously its not that important. Ive had opinels, and CRKT btu both folding, and after a while they get clogged up with blood and guts. I like the look of some Helle knifes, are these any good? Hob&Jill
  17. Any copys around RabbitHunter?
  18. Im no digging guy, never even seen it done, But isnt 11 months abit young? tell me to f**k off if its not lol
  19. How long is it? and how heavy is it?
  20. Nightwalker wont like that lol What is the gamekeepers name? PM if you like, just I live around Epsom.
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