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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. Im going for the weekend, first time I have ever been. What sort of stuff can you buy there? Any best bits that I CANT miss?
  2. My pups always running into my big old Patt, He dosent mind, she just flips over him and he goes on as usual
  3. May be wrong but I dont think CWD have antlers?
  4. Big Fish, Did you get yours when it first ever came out? As I think they added the pin pointer on a little later.
  5. It says the pic is two years old though?
  6. Hob&Jill


    Im having my first litter of Ferrets in the Summer, What bedding would you recomend then?
  7. Theres one at the shoot I go beating at, One of the best dogs there.
  8. Nice dogs Doxhope A guy who beats at a shoot I go to, was telling me about how he used to keep salukis and salukixs and told me that they are the dopeyest dogs he has ever owned, anways injuring themselves etc. Any truth?
  9. Hob&Jill


    Anyone use DerriBoots? What you think of them? I have a pair, I havent had them long (7 months), but I can honestly say, if they last, I wont be buying another brand of wellies again. Very Comfortable, completly waterproof, good grips. Imagine a first cross WellingtonxWalking Boot thats what there like. I cant stand wellies, the rim always rubbs on my leg (if I dont have my trousers tucked in lol) BootsxWellington
  10. Is there such thing in Britain or Ozz though? With salukis that is..... Does sound a nice cross though, any pics anyone?
  11. Hi, Im thinking of building a court and I can get the stuff you are talking of cheap (well 17 1/2% off) But was worrying it might heat the run up to much? (magnifying glass effect sort of thing.) Does it? Cheers, H&J
  12. Hob&Jill


    I use paper shreadings and a old towel Have used straw, but didnt like it, Just find paper shreads easier to clean out and the ferts dont seem to mins. In summer mine sleep in the hammock most of the time.
  13. Cant seeing it doing harm, but why would you want to?
  14. Anyone post a direct link to it? Sorry Im abit dim, cant find it EDIT> Now its telling me about dangerous cookies!
  15. Ok Ferreterno1, you have said it once, twice, no need to repeat yourself.
  16. Fishing mainly, play Snooker, But fishing fishing fishing for me lol
  17. I wouldnt call it a debate, I would call it some guys who like to put people down, slating one guy for his choice of words, does it really f*****g matter of he called it a warrior? its hardly worth posting a comment about. I really can understand why there are even people asking for there accounts to be deleted, when people pick on the most smallest of things and comment on it. The guy wanted to show us his terrier, and its a nice looking animal. Nice dog mate You say he should have a collar on? How do you even know he is on the hunting grounds? Im affraid this site seems to be g
  18. Agree border boy, the poll was hardly fair lol Maybe we shoudl make an other poll just saying if you use a collar or you dont.
  19. I would have waited longer than 1 1/2 hours to be honest, I have honestly waited that long just because I couldnt be arsed to dig! I havent lost a ferret yet, but I havent been at it long. I personally would wait until it came out, end of. Darkness or not. Why not buy a cage trap and set it with a piece or rabbit or whatever you feed them, might work. How long has it been gone btw?
  20. How do people dig such small holes? I mak ea right mess when Im digging, looks like Ive been diging a grave!
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