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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. asbo im aving that one for future use Were all at it..i just put a simular post up for a bitch lurcher . Love 'ASBO' I got a Ferret called Asbo She used to be a bit of a nipper!
  2. Springer for me, simple, less to go wrong and can use all day with out having to fill up Got a load more pics but on a different computer ....................... Honest
  3. Fair enough To be honest I have always fancied trying to trap a weasle or a wild mustailid (sp) in a lice catch cage just to have a look, then let it go, but I coulnt catch a feckin mouse let alone a weasle
  4. Looks a cracker Ive read some stories about scooby, and it sounds if col is half the dog of scooby he will still be better than most Whats his breeding? sorry probs been asked loads but I cant find it....
  5. Website Have to say they do look small
  6. Looks a right little brawler! lol He does look alot older than 4 mind. Lennox (Lenny) Dudly Heathcliff Ali Sadam Sid Cant think of any more..... He a rescue mate? We rescued a Patterdale once, lived in a mates bording kennels, was very timid I reckon the gypos had her then they didnt want her and kicked her out. She wasnt with us long though never got to work her.
  7. Beddy Whippet Whippet Collie Grey
  8. I got a Wheeler pat, hes never gone to ground (things didnt work out as they should have ) only been worked on Rabbit and Rat. Hes a c*nt with other dogs always has been, Once slipped out the frount door and got his hands on a womans Golden Retriver, wasnt a good sight and the woman was far from pleased Apart from other dogs hes been great, grumpy old b*****d now though lol. Hes around 12 now, will miss the bugger when he goes
  9. I dont quite see the point in it? Why take a animal out of its natural surrounds away from its Mum just so you can rear it? Leave em where they are, not called wild animals for nothing.......
  10. What course you doing at the mo mate?
  11. How much does this thing cost? Alot o fpeople seem to talk about it, is it worth the cash?
  12. Nice looking dog Whats all the holding it back buisness about? Whats with the lurcher collars?
  13. Got some pigs trotters from the butchers today 40p each, The Paterdale liked them, the pup wasnt having it though.
  14. Out of curiousity, what River did you bag it on?
  15. Great pics :thumbs-up: Is it me or has she turned more fawn now? as I remember the first pics and she seemed alot more blue.
  16. I know what you meen doxhope! Was once giving the ferrets a treat and brough a few ox hearts from the butchers, thoyght it would be a idea to try one, f*****g lovely!
  17. Landywoods is cheap! Will place an order today I think. Is a LB of chicken wings alot? Ie how many meals will you get out of it? (aprox) Good site that stabs Cracking russel there aswel martin.
  18. I give mine Ox Hearts, There fine with it Dont know if anyone else does, but once a week I give mine a big raw cows knuckle that most butchers will give away for free :thumbs-up: Keeps them entertained chewing and picking at it.
  19. Good going That fox's tail looks like some of the feckin poodles at crufts!
  20. Well done! Come June I will be on the banks of the mighty Thames for my first river carp Might bet botherd by those pesky Barbel though :D
  21. Hi. I have just started feeding raw food to my dogs, at the moment its been mainly chicken legs (maybe 70% of the time) Is this alright? Just starting to worry as surley they will need other meats to balance things out abit? I have been using standard chicken legs from supermarket only about £1.99 for 5 so its not bad, How many should I be looking to feed to a big male Patterdale? and a Beddyx pup I have been feeding the Pat 2 legs and the pup 1, I have been doing it purley of what looks right to me (apart from some help from Ditch ) so dont be having a go its wrong..... It would al
  22. PCP Air rifle on a budget, got to be the AA s200, few quid more but a better air rifle IMO
  23. I think everyone makes abit of a fuss about all this vet stuff, yes its possible and Im sure its happend but lets face it its unlikey? Think I would rather take the chance and enjoy abit a venison
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