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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. My nan has one. Great fun riding it around the corridors of her old peoples home Only reason I go and see her
  2. I saw the blind boxing......... the ref got knocked spark out in the first round
  3. I feel exactly the same way....................good for them if " sport " can enrich their lives thats great.............but midgets swimming,blind people riding bikes or people with no legs in running races is farcical bordering on humiliation and not what sport is about................from a personal achievement point of view i have nothing but admiration for them,but from a competetive sport point of view i find it ridiculous that society sees it necessary to have an " Olympics " its equal opportunities gone barmy in my opinion. If it was your Son, Daughter or family member
  4. Mindset, bravery etc is all well and good but most of the sports I've watched have been shite.
  5. Benayoun is a classy player, wish we re signed him at Arsenal.
  6. Take that RVP you ungrateful c**t.
  7. Coming from a gooner, the one man team last year, of they never had RVP they would of finished around 10th last season ! Anyhow let's let the teams do the talking and we'll chat about this again at the end of the season ! When I'm proved right lol I love spurs fans, they go on about sinking ships etc....yet they have won f**k all!!! You release a dvd when you beat us . I can take shit from United fans, Chelsea even City fans as these are successful clubs winning trophies like we used to. If we are a sinking ship etc, what the feck does that make you? Our ship may have the odd leak b
  8. Someone needs to breed a working line to use as ferrets lol
  9. Bet the guys who make catapults make a few quid. Get a lot of cattys out of a sheet of plywood. I know its high quality ply but at £20 odd quid a catty, bet the profit margin is decent. If you know ant woodworking skills im sure you could make a few router jigs that could knock them up very quick.
  10. Good player but very replaceable in my opinion. Good going forward but that isn't great when you're supposed to be played defensive midfield, always left us open at the back. Not that bothered he has gone, as long as we bring in a replacement.
  11. Not my kind of dog to be honest lol! But as long as its well looked after and has a good life I cant see the problem. The macho men probably wont agree but all dogs I know you get to know their little quirks and characteristics, I'm sure even them gay little things are the same!
  12. As an Arsenal fan I am gutted but can see why he wanted to go. My club has no ambitions of trophies any more, just making money. Shame it has to be to a rival. Not going to lie, its going to make me feel sick seeing him in that shirt. Still, I will blindly follow the corporate business of Arsenal, like a true brainwashed fan I do still think we will make top 4, not sure how but we always seem to pull if off somehow.
  13. Mo Farah couldn't do that
  14. lol I was joking. Badly to be fair. Being in china I'm surprised they haven't ground its face up by now for medicine or something.
  15. If they found that in India 4000 years ago, it would 100% be a god that they worship today.
  16. I've got a pig-monkey myself. Took red deer single handed pre ban. Why should it be culled millet? Have you even owned a pig-monkey?
  17. Sorry no advice but I laughed when I first saw this!
  18. I might be missing something here, genuinely. But just take the poles off?
  19. Cant wait for it to start. Arsenal to win the league I can dream...
  20. And no doubt loads of posts of boring cliché bollocks like that. Don't like football? OK fine.... no offence intended mate....go away and don't comment on football threads.
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