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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. They will be asking for one soon :whistle:
  2. I would try and get a second hand .177 BSA Meteor, or maybe a rat catcher? There very light and perfect for a kid, the co2 might get costly if hes busting cans though. Edit> Forgot to say, have you tried Airgun BBS? You are bound to find something there, its a very popular website, the sales section goes through about 8 pages a day.
  3. Sounds absolutly f*****g spot on for what I need, would be my first lurcher and nice and small rabbiting/mooching dog and Im in Surrey! Unfortunatly Im starting collage next year so it would be irrosponsible of me to take her, as I dont know what will be happening after collage Absolutly fecking gutted, Not often an oppentunity comes up like this and if for some odd reason the dog is still for sale next year give me a PM as I would be abit more clear on things then. Good luck looking for a new home for her, H&J
  4. Gotta be Deer, Not sure what it is about them but however many time I see them its allways exiting just to watch
  5. Nice going Did young colin come with you?
  6. Lovely pups , Shes big for a collie grey! What breeding is the sire?
  7. Had one of mine jabbed today cost me £16 But the vet is only down the road, I did get a quote for £10 but was miles away and couldnt be arsed to go there lol One vet I rang quote me £48 per ferret Cheeky b*****ds.
  8. Would love to see pics, as I cant make out what you meen, sounds interesting though
  9. Blair and that Tosser Barry Scott! Cillit Bang! Bang and the dirt is gone.....
  10. Hate to be the first to say it but should you not have found that out first?
  11. La La and Po Na its: Jim Shelly (angler) My Dad, hes got me into everything I do Dennis Bergkamp David Seaman The last 2 will never be replaced
  12. I got 'love' and 'hate' across the paws of my two, didnt cost to much and there winning all the shows
  13. Lucky b*****ds, Thats bigger than my bedroom :D
  14. Not exactly your standard mooching dogs! Great to see them geting out :thumbs-up: Not sure why, Im always fasinated about working 'Non working' breeds, like Shepherds, Rotties, etc, anydog that isnt really used. Its not because Im looking for the next wonder dog, Just think it would be good seeing if the could become a good worker. Dunno if that made any sense lol
  15. How many ferrets do you have chalkwarren, if you dont mind me asking? :icon_eek:
  16. Have you got your dog yet or you geting him soon? Keep us updated
  17. Lovely looking K9 :thumbs-up: Has it had a crack at everything? (Strictly before ban )
  18. Think your missing the point mate, There is no one answer, never is for anything :thumbs-up: Like on the fishing forums I go on, 'whats the best bait?' etc, ats all horses for courses
  19. I fail to see the point? I dont understand how some people think!
  20. From what I read, snoopdog seems to do alot of winding up think hes joking lol
  21. When my mums cats bring in a mouse and somehow manage to let it go, I stick the Ferrets in the room and watch, great fun watching them hunt it lol.
  22. Seems right to me, just started feeding raw. After a couple of days the craps the dogs do turn to hard white powder Never going back to that sloppy, smelly discoloured crap
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