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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. Can you put prices up please, Cant speak for others but I dont like making offers. Cheers, H&J
  2. I hear Sausage dogs are nice :whistle:
  3. they will feed them, so would be easy lol
  4. 10z is abit heavy for general use I think?
  5. Needs to be Put to sleep mate, sorry. Might be hard to do, but is the only way IMO Might be a different situation if you didnt have Baby on the way. Crate might sound OK, but whats it going to do? Live in a crate its whole life? Hard decision, but maybe if people reacted quicker then we might not have shittys things like BSL. JMO, H&J
  6. Earth dog Running dog, where can I get it? I presume you order it on the net? and they send it to you?
  7. Funny guy, the best is Childrens paintings! Some people love it, some hate it
  8. That book, Poachers tales? J.Humphreys. If so I just finished reading that last week, not bad read.
  9. Hob&Jill

    Rabbit Calling

    Yep Kenzie Thorpe, The Warrener can do it too
  10. Dont have a f*****g clue mate, just thought it was funny
  11. First is good, found the second searching :
  12. I once dried out a rabbit skin, with pure salt. It went very stiff, I just rubbed, crushed, scrumpled, rolled it etc and it soon came soft and easy to handle. Took ages, as I only did it occasionally, and the Pup got hold of it and chewed it up Was going to be a toy for her anyway.... I think you can also remove the Brain of the animal and rubb it into the pelt and it will soften it, something like that anyway. Good topic this
  13. When your fecking about with something that is powerful enough to kill a Rabbit or Mink, you cant really afford to buy shit Ive had a rat trap go of in my hand, and that was bad enough, cant imagine the pain of a Fenn or Springer
  14. Here Think hes the only one who sells in bulk. Not particulally cheap though.
  15. Dave Hancock as in the Collie Grey breeder?
  16. Ebay have some quite cheap ones, can get 1000 for about £15 I think. Theres one guy who sells lead balls aswel, pricy though. Just had a look about if its legal or not, cant find anything saying it is or isnt. The warrener is fecked if it is, a guy on his dvd knocks down Hares, Rabbits, Partridge, Pheasent and Pigeon with his He is a fecking amazing shot with it, but Hares is pushing it Pigeons come down like they been shot with a .410 :thumbs-up: I will keep looking for the legalitys if it
  17. Yeh, stones arnt too good, too inconsistant in size and shape so you never really get used to it. They also ruin the leather pouch, tear it up etc. The bearings are expensive but if your only shooting it occasionally there ok. Word of warning aswel. I once let my mate have a go on mine, his first go. He pulled back let go an the stone (didnt know about bearings them) it hit one of the metal forks, came back and smashed one of his front teeth out. Wasnt nice, make sure you show people how to use them of they havent before
  18. Will be Preston in a couple of years, you just wait......
  19. Hob&Jill


    Whats an anonymous member? Am I one?
  20. Love the digging pic with dog asleep in back ground
  21. Looks a good day out, nice shooting Nice catapult on that middle bucks antler aswel Good shooting, H&J
  22. I was also thinking the same Just had a look now there are a few cheaper but all around 5-8 quid, not bad if you ask me!
  23. i thought you put him in kennels? and moving house with a premature baby? wasn't that a bit to much for your missus? really, if he's gonna come up for rehoming anytime soon, let me know. seriously interested in him now. Maybe people should keep there nose out of business that isnt theres and this site would be a whole lot better Good luck with finding a pup
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