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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. Why not just bolt the strap in place, thats what my old box has and that was my Dads going back 30+ years so its good and strong. Its got a hole through the strap, doubled over then a bolt through that and into the wood. Think I would use 12mm, warm enough and light. I would make it 2 compartments, then as you said you wont get that explosion of Ferrets diving out the box! Heres a box I made a while ago, its abit scrappy as I stopped half way through and carried on making about a month later and the wood was abit bent Its got a removable mesh section in the middle, which can be ch
  2. Had a look, cant find one but worth a ask. He got a website or email?
  3. What does he breed? BeddieXs?
  4. Edited Link Edit>Edit edited link
  5. Here!! Scroll down abit until you reach the add called 'WANTED LURCHER REQUIRED' Some people Edited as link wasnt working.
  6. I didnt have a clue, have been trying to work out what the f*ck 'Artificial Intelligence' had to do with it
  7. Wrong section mate, you just wait till Little Lloyd gets his hands on you He treats this forum like he owns it you know lol
  8. Nice pics :thumbs-up: More importantly.... you get anything? Havent been out fishing much lately, need to get out more
  9. No offence intended here mate, but if you even considerd that a Ferret could live with your chickens then I would research into them abit more before geting them
  10. I started last year, hears how I went about it: Got myself 2 Jills from a rescue (wouldnt do it again) one had to be sent to the sky as it was an utter b*****d and the other is coming good after a year. Get your self a couple from someone who has bred a litter that have been well handled and not nippy. Dont settle for anything less! When I got mine I thought I would be able to get them friendly after a while, one I have the other I couldnt. Make sure you get a pair of friendly ones, it makes things sooooo much easyier, you wont have to worry about picking them up etc, you will ac
  11. Your not the only one, trust me Same situation here, hoping once I got a little van or car things might look up :thumbs-up:
  12. Your making a bigger tit out yourself than him Who gives a shit if its not real, I got no reason to assume it isnt. Just get on with your life FFS
  13. My first ever litter is due mid June Should be a good learning curve... Poly Jill is mine, the Hob I borrowed of a mate. Dunno why I blured, fat long haired bloke is abit of a give away lol!!
  14. Hob&Jill

    free pups

    Be strait, is this a joke?!!!
  15. I know what you meen, I couldnt fancy fecking about with dead Badgers or Rats. But obviously my Grandad had no choice, there wasnt any dried foods or ready foods around back then. Ive started feeding raw food recently, but no way am I feeding rats :sick: Not sure about feeding Rats, but when Terriers are Ratting the Rats very often get ripped up and pulled apart, so you would think if there is any danger they would catch it I bet Ditch Shiiter knows about this
  16. My Grandad used too feed his Ferrets on rats and god knows what else. Probably fed his dogs on them too :thumbs-up: I believe that he tried to feed badger once aswell to his terriers (back 60+ years ago ) but they wouldnt have any of it, cant say I balme them :sick: Brian Plummer talks about feeding rays to Ferrets alot, not sure about dogs though.
  17. Why wouldnt you feed ham? Genuine question....
  18. I would love to see a .25 FAC, you ever seen any Chris?
  19. Make sure the Ferrets your using are 100% freindly. I recently showed my Ferrets at a Nursery, just as my Dad did when I was in Nursery, all went well luckily one little guy there was braver than me, holding it up to his nose etc (Im cringing inside lol) Although my Ferrets are both 100% imagine the situation....
  20. Hob&Jill

    The F word

    Not bad, didnt see much but anythign showing fieldsports in a good light cant be bad
  21. Although Im sure your not, Dont put your pup on a mill yet, I would wait until there at least 14 months.
  22. I used to use it, but I ran out and I found out that its no better than normal olive oil
  23. Just what I was thinking :thumbs-up: just couldnt be bothered to type it out
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