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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. I'm the c**t who reads the first page, then skips to the last and tries to be clever
  2. They should of ended it years a go. Great series but you need to know when to end things.
  3. FFS....Give that man a :icon_redface: Just seen its been mentioned quite a few times lol
  4. Sure it wasn't Hogweed you were strimming?
  5. You're unlikely to get rid of it. I'm a gardener and have it in a few gardens I work in. I just keep on top of it and work on the basis if you can't see it, it's not a problem.
  6. Yeah!! That'll really piss off all the Libyan rebels! lol. Is a buy cott when you buy everything until their shelves are empty?
  7. Am I the only one who thinks these threads are shit and not funny? Can someone explain what is meant to be funny?
  8. Conclusive proof right there if we ever needed it.
  9. Saying that religion causes peace is a strange statement. In fact there is a direct correlation between the most Atheistic countries in the world and a lower rate of violent crimes. Religion is a tricky subject. Religion in moderation causes no harm to anyone. You never hear about religious moderates flying planes into buildings or stoning people to death lol. This is a bullshit statistic but I think it would be fair to say that 90% of so called religious people are pretty moderate in their beliefs. I.e I know a few people who consider themselves Christians, yet they believe in evolut
  10. Sorry mate I didn't see. I read the first page of the other thread and assumed the rest were RIP posts etc. Shoulda known better being THL it would tumble into chaos lol
  11. It wasn't a hijacking. Ireland Airways simply decided to start dropping people off right at the office.
  12. Noooooooooo, why why why did you start this thread
  13. Fingers crossed here. Get well soon.
  14. Nice gesture mate but I personally think you should charge for the dog, keep away the charlatans. Anyone who cant afford £100 or so either doesn't want the dog enough or doesn't have enough money to own a dog
  15. I've got Gails number if that's any good for you?
  16. http://youtu.be/tUE6_B_frBA I miss you Thierry Random note....Watching that clip I also miss Andy Grey commentating. Most of them now are boring and characterless IMO. I like Gary Neville though.
  17. http://youtu.be/A6BBp4Azsm0 http://youtu.be/w3SS0Qh-xSY
  18. http://youtu.be/kqXSBe-qMGo http://youtu.be/8nA18g_PwG0
  19. Good luck to him, must be hard making friends in a new country.
  20. Come round my house this weekend, I can make that happen.
  21. Holsten pils is a nice beer.
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