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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. Hob&Jill


    Its looking good for winter round here too. F*cking loads of them, everywhere :D
  2. lol love the bit where ti sniffs inside the boot and has a overload of happyness and starts dancing about! Ferrets have to be the most entertaining animals to watch, i can sit and watch them playing for ages!
  3. Funniest thing I have read for ages I would prefer it if the edges were smooth, as apposed to sharp, is it heavy? :thumbs-up:
  4. 3 Hobs 4 Jills 143 hobs and 119 jils
  5. Yeh I know what you meen and they were shooting clays when people were on the hill First time I have been to the Sussex, so I dont know what it used to be like but I thought it was alright yesterday :thumbs-up:
  6. Cant stand Wellies, Good pair of boots for me everytime My feet f*****g freeze in them, if im standing around for 1/2 hour or so waiting on a drive or Ferreting then I cant feel my feet lol! For Summer I got a pair of Merrel walking shoes and Dickies boots. For winter I have been using Derri boots, they do look abit gay but are warm and comfy :thumbs-up: Thinking of getting a pair of Berretas or something similar of Cabelas
  7. It would be a bloody miracle if it did! The idea of the petition is to present to the police/solicitor to show public opinion, im sure none of the people that own working dogs, or any other sort of animal that is lost/runaway, would like this sort of action by the Police to become a precedence. Im sure the owner would like to thank you for your support by signing Yeh cheers, wasnt having a dig just curious :thumbs-up:
  8. Have you any pics? I was always intreged with this litter, havent seen any recent photos of them.
  9. He was at the Sussex today, should have come down and taught him a lesson lol
  10. Wasnt a bad day I saw a Poodle/Grey/Whip too! Was a split for a Beddy/Grey, nice looking dog it was. Loads of Deerhound x's too, more than I would expect anyway Overall not a bad day/
  11. Have signed, but what will it do? Its not going to bring the dogs back....
  12. Cheers Snoop :thumbs-up: Wont be for a while yet, but no harm in reasearch
  13. Yeh I have thought about a 1/4 bull, but wasnt sure if it was jumping in at the deep end abit? First lurcher and all..... Im not too interested in Foxes, as thats banned now :whistle: and I like my Grub! All I want is a pot filler, bugger all hares around here, just loads and loads of Roe, few Muntys and Rabbit :thumbs-up: Bullx worth bearing in mind without a doubt though
  14. IF YOUR INTERESTED IN GETTING A COLLIE X TYP RATCHER BLOODLINES ARE WHAT YOU WANT BRED OF WORKER TO WORKER FOR GENERATIONS MATE Yes I am interested. Not yet mind, Not rushing things. I would love a Collie/Grey, I wouldnt go to Hancock, Just my opinion and I dont want a Hancock thread.... But I have heard that Genuine working bred Collie x's are fairly hard to come by?
  15. Hob&Jill

    My Dad

    Good luck with things mate :thumbs-up:
  16. No cheers..... Wouldnt give him the pleasure....
  17. Complete different animals, if you could have a Dog to do Roe and Rabbit, what would its breeding be ? How would a first cross Collie/Grey fare against Roe? Speaking Pre ban, obviously. H&J :thumbs-up:
  18. Coyote, just bugger of and stop filling this thread with shite, he posted to sell the dogs, he didnt ask your opinion wether they were 1st cross or not.
  19. The mods on here are FAR FAR to soft, exept for Cheif
  20. My first time out was Poaching, on a steep embankment/ditch. The warrens start at the bottom of it, so if you dig its liklely to be quite deep as you would be at the top of the bank. Quite hard to explain. I was very nervous, didnt want to have to ring my Dad and tell him I had lost the Jill Luckily all went to plan, even more lucky was the fact I was using a broken mk1 locator, and didnt have a clue how to use it lol. We got one Coney out of that warren, and got the Jill So we moved on and done a nice open warren in the middle of a field. Netted up, entered Jill.......waiting......
  21. Not sure about the dam, but sire is one of john glover bred bedlingtons Ah yes Sorry I miss read, Thought it said Collie/GreyxBeddy/Whip. Keep us updated, I bet it will be a Rabbit machine And others :whistle:
  22. The best Here Here My kind of humour :rofl: Oops will a mod please move this, with these new sections you have to scroll down further! LL, Dont be to harsh on me, Im sorry lol
  23. Were the parents both 1/2 crosses?
  24. What is a 'faulty' water bottle?
  25. Wouldnt recommend it, they are ment for Ferrets
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