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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. Ring around local recues/ferret rescues, as Its right by a fishing lake someone could find it
  2. Not much you can do, its a pup, wants to have fun The obvious one would be to not let it have unsupervised access to the garden. Simple. Then when your with it in the garden, if it starts to dig throw some water on it or a big deep shout, just something to get it to realise it cant do that. Can only try I suppose..... Good luck
  3. Sorry to hear that Do you think it could be some sort of set poison? RIP Missy.
  4. One rescue I rang up last year, wanted to do a home check I told them where to go lol
  5. Dont then, simple as that If you are anywhere near GEM Ferret (google it) they will rehome to working homes. I got a jill from them, nice people I see them at alot of shows.
  6. Why would a dead Rabbit at the entrance of hole be more appealing than a dead Rabbit in the warren?
  7. Awww, they're just beautiful - what colour will they be when they're grown - look a lovely silvery colour right now (on my screen!)? Have just moved the hutch into the garden - and given them a chicken leg - Enzo picked it up and dragged it to the bedroom! Dino has been to the water dish, and is certainly looking more perky and alive today! I think it'll be more peaceful for the ferrets in the garden - and they'll have lots more to see and smell! Lovely big pidgeon was sitting ontop of the hutch a moment ago - wish I could've caught it! They are all Polecats I think, cant wait un
  8. Yeh they will be fine in the hutch I would do as someone else said (cant remember who) dont give them any choice about the food, one of mine loves dry food, would eat it over meat but shes not getting any of it! They other one is abit more sensible and wont touch it.... Wont be long before these guys will have meat :D My first litter.......
  9. Hope the little guy is ok I agree with FL, They shouldnt be away from there mum yet even if they are 8 weeks (looks doubtful to me) they still should have realised that they wernt ready for homing. Personally, In my very limited experiance (dads had them most my life, but only owned them and looked after them just over a year) with Ferrets I would ditch the dry food 100%, they dont need anything to 'crunch' apart from flesh, and bone when they are older Try and get hold of some Rabbit, if I dont have any Rabbit or Pheasent then mine get Chicken or mince. I also get them a big cows
  10. Was just about too recomend that one. Mates got one, perfect for the job
  11. Any luck with the zeroing?
  12. Normally feed her at about 7pm, after I have taken her out. I will start taking it away from her if she dosent eat it, hopefully she will learn that she has to eat it or else.
  13. Foxes We dont know what happend, never will so lets just leave it at that? Hundreds of posts all saying the same thing is abit pointless!
  14. For us new comers, who is the guy then? Sounds abit of a nut job, 120 lurchers?
  15. Wish I could pick them out like that lol! I wouldnt feed dry at all, Thats what I fed at first , it really is crap Look at the posts here about feeding ferrets 99% of people feed raw. Obviously feed what you like, it was just my experiance that mine seem alot better on meat :thumbs-up: You will enjoy working them and so will they, much more than anything else, its what they are supposed to do It can be nerve racking at first though, fine once you get used to it. Good luck with them, they look nice
  16. Yeh shes fine on water :thumbs-up: When I say I take her on a 5 mile trot (as in just over walking speed), it is on grass and only once or twice a week. When shes older I will start the on road work. I understand that running her 5 mile a day on roads would do her no good until her bones are fully strong and mature. Brought some breast of lamb, thanks she had a good meal out of it, and have some more tonight. As for her not working for me, looking into it abit to far maybe? At the end of the day, shes my dog and I like her, All I want is them to try and be loyal (shes at my feet
  17. Looks nice :thumbs-up: Love the wood hut they have too!
  18. I say 'pup' Shes 12 months next week :thumbs-up: Shes not a ped Bedlington, we are not sure so her breeding, Think of first cross Beddy whippet that has thrown heavy to Bedlington, thats what shes like. I will pick up some lambs breast today, hopefully she will get abit down her neck Edit> and I will ditch the gravy lol! I ran a search and it read on here.
  19. Hi, I have recently started feeding raw to my dogs. The Patterdale is fine, he would eat anything. My Beddyx pup I am really starting to worry about though, I can hardly get her to eat anything Started off on Chicken, and she ate that ok then started to get bored of it and wont touch it. Ok we though, get some beef mince, tried her on that, started off fine but now shes relutant. I have tried everything, from dipping the chicken in gravy (not interested), adding chopped up offal into mince (not interested). Im running out of things to do, I orinally went it to it with the at
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