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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. Walsher, Ferrets are carnivors, how are they supposed to stay healthy on bread and milk? which has hardly anything to it? and every 2 days, FFS!
  2. Twat, didnt read that bit at first
  3. Fresh meat (Rabbit, Chicken, Pheasent, Lamb, Squirrel, +more ) 365 days a year Also give them a Egg with abit of Milk and Water to drink once a week.
  4. Last season I had a 4 inch dig! (It was at a Science Lab ) The locator read half foot, so I put the spade down and broke through Lucky I didnt chop the ferret in 2 You would have thought it would collapse just from walking over it! P.S, Madcows. 3 Kits have there eyes open the rest have 1 open. Should be all open by the weekend, you want to come and see them?
  5. Ive got a Jill who is only a couple of inches bigger than a beer can, shes a little demon on Bunnys. Does have a struggle holding them, can be a pain when you have to dig to her but fine most the time
  6. How is your dog RH? Seen a couple of pics and liked the look of it
  7. Nice to see them eating proper food They look happy Will you be working them come Winter? or still unsure? I know how you feel, it did used to be nerve racking.
  8. I hate putting my dogs in Kennels Im lucky to gave a mate whos Dad owns kennels (keeps, trains and breeds working GSD's too ) so I trust him with my Dogs. Just dosent feel right having strangers look after my Dogs
  9. Cheers wilf, great advice there Cracking hound you have too
  10. Joke I got on my phone today: So much for the smoking ban, two pakis been caught Smoking at Glasgow airport Abit inapropriate but you, well I couldnt help but laugh H&J
  11. Are you sure you shot that, its head looks rather flat Artemis, he will cotton on when hes hungry enough and has NO choice. Just cut out the dry and feed meat, that way it has no choice, its going to eat when its hungry enough I have been having similar problems with my pup, she just wasnt keen on meat. I have now found something she likes and have cut down the ammount of feed, as it seem they need FAR less food when on fresh meat. Good luck with them, My lot of Kits had there first 'solid' feed yesterday, I gave them abit of minced chicken
  12. Thanks for all the advice, But I think Im sorted now She loves Lamb breast and has got her appetite back for chicken now its all been varied abit. Thanks again, H&J
  13. I should be able to sort you out, Im only a few miles away from you. you have pm
  14. What boots did you go for? Im looking into geting a nice pair of sturdt boots.
  15. Thats what I am worried about Like I said It is a risk but hopefully will be worth it Can only try.......
  16. At the moment Im into wearing hoodies, hanging around town, Start a few fights, Get pissed, mug some grannys . The usual........ :D H&J
  17. Nice kits :D Mine turned 4 weeks today, one has opened a eye Gave them a chicken leg to have a gnaw on, didnt get very far but looked like they enjoyed it lol H&J
  18. Yeh I see what your saying Worth giving the dog a chance though. Considering its 2 year old and has been in rescue 1 year, it cant have had much testing? H&J Oh, and BTW The chav holding it is nout to do with me or my mate lol.....
  19. whats that saying? ahh thats it, one man and his dog whats that saying? ahh thats it, Keep ye nose out Im not saying that Im taking over the lurcher all I ment is that it will be the first Lurcher that I will be working with It will be the first Lurcher I will see work alot. I dont need to explain myself anymore...... H&J
  20. Of course they are not going to 'curl up and die' I go to Macdonalds, KFC, Burger King, its not good for me but it tastes gooooooooooood (ish :sick:) Someone puts a Apple and a Chocolate bar in front of me, Chocolate bar everytime :D.......
  21. To be honest I dont know for 100% he hast been worked, the rescue man dosent think it has. Would have thought it might have done abit though Will be the first lurcher I have anything to do with bringing on, so I think Im as exited as him Cant wait Will post pics when he has him I just hope he will be ok with Ferrets. H&J
  22. He has now, but he wont soon Thats why he has to wait 2 weeks to get him, hes off to get the chop The rescue wont be persuaded, can hardly blame them I suppose but would be nice if he had his tackle.
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