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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. Doxhope, Ou tof interest, whats the smallest Deerhoundx you have come across? How do the smaller crosses fair on Rabbits?
  2. Do a search, alot has been coverd on this subject You wont get a defenite answer, some will say do some will say dont.......
  3. Theres loads of shoots about, cant be that hard finding one? If they got enough beaters then I would offer to go for free (thats if they pay, obviously) If they got enough numbers then find a different shoot... Or if like me, get caught ferreting Luckily the keepers a nice bloke and didnt mind too much, he just said that if we beat for them then we can have permission..... There all nice guys, but I do get the piss taken out of me for getting caught! Mind you most the shoots round my way are quite informal, Beaters and Guns sit and eat at same table etc Your not treated like a peas
  4. Hob&Jill

    Other forums?

    Post on a couple of (good) Fishing forums. Member of Moocher but rarley post, I only really go on when this site is down or no new posts...... I read quite a few different ones, Bush Craft UK, British blades, Stafford Tribute..... H&J
  5. I had to put 2 of mine to sleep yesterday for the same reasons I hope the rest of mine are fine
  6. No good posting on a forum, get beating at a shoot and get to know a few keepers.......
  7. How much do BSA want for them? I contacted them about it recently, just havent got round to buying some. They didnt give me a price just said to call.
  8. What would you have done Micky?
  9. I bet you get some funny looks when you get the spade out ........
  10. Your not wrong, there are no easy answers I'm learning the hard way too, but I cant help but think its the best way to learn? H&J
  11. I like the idea of a high seat A few beers, flask of Tea, a Book? Sounds just the ticket for a lazy bugger like me Target sports have a few types I think Ditch. H&J
  12. I had to put 2 of my litter down today, exacty the same symtoms as the fezz's kits I just hope the rest of my litter will be fine Edit> Oh, and in the cases of mums killing kits, do you think the thunder/lightning/hail could have anything to do with it? Could scare the mum?
  13. Nice one, what sort of height are the going to make?
  14. Sent you a PM, Give me a ring when you are bringing the bunny round H&J :thumbs-up:
  15. Why were you bringing the dog then?
  16. Fantastic? How you work that one out?
  17. I wouldnt touch one myself, never been to his place and dont intend to but I want a dog bred from workers, simple as that But for most people, if you want a Collie x you dont really have that much choice as you dont see many crosses advertised.
  18. Any pics? Sounds an interesting cross would love to see a pic, what coat has it got?
  19. Should kits be walking around at? Mine are 6 weeks Tommorow I bring mine inside everyday for a 'walk around' a couple of them seem to be moving foward and walking but most kind of push backwards etc What age would you expect them to be fully wondering about? H&J
  20. They are very nice boxes mike Only thing I would be worried about is rain water geting through the gaps? As the lid dosent overlap the edges.. H&J
  21. Not sure if this is any use to you Ditch? Edit> Sorry link dosent seem to be working
  22. Sorry dont have any pics. His dog is a 3/8 5/8 but looks surprisingly similar Its a Hancock, Is yours?
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