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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. u shouldnt hit youre dog Nothing wrong with giving a dog a clip round the ear IMO I'm not talking about laying into it just correcting it. Better than it killing sheep........
  2. Suppose the peg is a simple thing and not talked about much but was just wondering what you have on your nets? and why? All the best, H&J
  3. As the title, Whats your deepest dig to a Ferret? Pics would be good too I havent been at it long so havent had to dig much, only about 2 foot luckily All the best, H&J
  4. Hob&Jill

    Sky TV

    It seems to happen every now and again, Its fine here so I assume its a region thing? It does happen occasionally though...
  5. Zoiks! Bad news mate. That is very sad. Is that the healthy jill that is still ok, the one that was up and about when we came over? Are you keeping her? Do you want some more wabbits? Hopefully going out on the quad tonight with a shotty. Sorry to take the thread off on a tangent Artemis. /Mad Yes the strong jill is still fine, head and tails above the other Jill. I'm not holding my breath for that one either I'm not keeping either, I needed a Hob and have got enough Jills for now. 7 weeks old Tommorow, Only seems like yesterday that they were little pink things the
  6. Mine prefer playing with really wierd things. Paper bags have to be there favotites! The rustling makes them go crazy and start dancing about! I have a little ball too that is filled with treats so when they knock it about they come out. Only 2 ferrets left now madcowz 1 of them is very strong though. Looks like i will have to find a Hob from a different litter as I had to put him to sleep today He seemed alrite yesterday too..... H&J
  7. What are hazel nuts like to eat? any good? When will they be likely to be out? H&J
  8. Wish my Pup would go into water, she wont touch the stuff. They look to be enjoying themselves.
  9. Look at Ditchs thread, I know what you meen I'm in the same position as you with a dog. I have a old Patterdale Terrier that I have had since I was half the size I am now! Hes always been there as far back as I remember, he is all I know. I love the grumpy old sod. What I will do when he is gone, I dont know. It scares me thinking about it to be honest. I just hope he dies peacefully of old age, not of cancer or something vile like that. The old lads at my feet as I type this. H&J
  10. I wasnt comparing it to Hunting, I was just using it to explain something. I dont understand how you think a boltgun is inhumane? Just because blood is spilt and is dosent look as tidy as a injection, dosent meen its not humane. Wether its dignified dosent come into it IMO, as long as its quick. Unfortunatly I had to put 2 Ferret Kits to sleep Today Not that I want to go into detail but I used an air rifle, It could not have been quicker. One secone they were licking about Ferretone (oily stuff that Ferrets like) of a board, the next they were gone. I wouldnt have had them put to s
  11. Hob&Jill


    When you leave then come back, Franks an expert at it lol
  12. Hob&Jill


    He's done a Frank
  13. Fair enough, good point Bob Should think she does have more experince than me, I have only watched it lol 'Battered to death' Is it really that common? Greyhounds getting pts is obviously very common, but Battered? Hung? Drowned? Its just using emotive words to try and get you point accross. Just like antis do with Hunting on there websites. It does happen, but is it very common? I would think that the vast majority of Greyhound trainers kill the dogs quickly and humanly. I remember a post a while back on some guy being prosectuted for killing mass numbers of ex-track Greys,
  14. Cruel b*****ds Nothing wrong with puting a retiered greyhound to sleep IMO, But not like that Fastdogz, dont talk shit. "Very often 'battered' 'hung'" Very often? Very very rarely more like, you wont gain any respect slating greyhound racing on this forum
  15. Couldnt you get them direct from Chalkwarren? Theres some on ebay too
  16. Just pick a picture of google images and save it, then upload to avatar How is that dog jigsaw? You done a cracking job bringing it out of its shell Heres one of my personal favorites
  17. If you are making anymore, how much would a round mouth shovel be? and how long are the 2 pieces?
  18. Looking into getting a top quality pair of boots for the coming winter I have been looking at the Lowa Combat boot, anyone use these or know about them? They must be 100%, I'm not much into spending money, so when I do I want them to last. Will be for Beating, Ferreting, walking dogs, general regular useage really. H&J If not the Lowas, any other quality boots? (not wellies)
  19. Nice dog Not sure about the pink lead though
  20. Bread and Milk No I been feeding Chicken, Lamb, some skinned Pheasent that I had from last year. I wish I had fed them soley on Rabbit, Pigeon etc now, just I dont do any Rabbiting in Summer so I didnt have any Unfortuantly I have learnt the hard way, by having to put 2 to sleep. I certainly will only be rearing any future kits on whole carcuss from now on. I just hope to god that the rest will be fine Got to say a big thanks to Madcows for bringing me round plenty of whole Rabbit, Squirrel and Pi
  21. Not really, its not got much wack. They are toy guns at the end of the day and I should think they are good fun for shooting cans and spinners, There are much better choices out there for live quarry
  22. Hob&Jill

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    Whats the river cottage forum like? Any antis?
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