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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. Disgusting, classless to post it on a forum to be honest. Why the f**k someone would want to put that on youtube I don't know.
  2. I will and have given almost anything weird I can a go but f**k that!!!!!!!!!!! Couldn't even watch someone eat one :bad:
  3. Hob&Jill

    Is god real...

    Why do folk always look at God as some kind of David Blaine figure I think it's a perfectly reasonable question. Why do religious people mould their figure of god to suit them. E.G a bus full of school children crashes and all the children die except one child many religious folk would go on to claim that it is the work of god that saved this child yet they do not ask why he decided to kill all the other children? edited to ad, I shouldn't have written.... "mould their figure of god to suit them" ....God can mean different things to different people. I meant more in terms of sp
  4. Hob&Jill

    Is god real...

    I may be speaking out of turn here and I really don't want to offend but you could also flip that around and ask if your god or faith played a part in you still being here then surely it or he played a part in giving you the brain tumour?
  5. Hob&Jill

    John Terry

    Shame as he is a great player but... I think it's time Terry, Ferdinand, Lampard, Gerrard all called it a day with England. These guys have done their best for us but have won feck all, time to let Wilshere, Cleverly, Chaimberlain etc have a go IMO
  6. Hob&Jill

    Is god real...

    That's a very philisophical statement, "if a branch falls in a wood but no one is there to hear it did it really make a sound?". If you are really interested in those questions of existance, reality etc have a mooch about the philosophical study of Ontology. They are philosophical questions, and ones that I don't think there ever will be a answer to. Been a good thread this, I've enjoyed it atb, HJ
  7. Hob&Jill

    Is god real...

    I don't see any problems in this thread, just a few people talking about a interesting subject. Trouble is some religious people don't say 'fair play' if you don't agree with their religion...they fly planes into buildings and shit like that
  8. Hob&Jill

    Is god real...

    What reason was there a big bang in the first place? Why was there even something to go bang? Why would it happen if there was nothing conscious to appreciate it?
  9. Hob&Jill

    Is god real...

    You have to have a lot of 'faith' in science to believe that everything originated from absolutely nothing and for no reason. If I had a hidden dice and told you to have faith that it would roll a 10 would you? Yet if I showed you my dice and you saw that all 6 sides had 10 printed on then would you have faith that it would roll a 10? That's a simple analogy to the difference between faith in God and faith in science.... I'm not really sure about your analogy, but I am tired and slightly retarded so forgive me This question comes down to the same answer...no one know
  10. Hob&Jill

    Is god real...

    You have to have a lot of 'faith' in science to believe that everything originated from absolutely nothing and for no reason.
  11. You know it's meant to be a joke right? Ironically probably not too far from the truth though.
  12. Hob&Jill

    Is god real...

    ....I never realised till this thread actually................. Alright ill admit im thick as fook when it comes to a subject like this - i know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about it, and not really too interested in learning anything new on it tbh.. Why take part and challenge people on the subject if you know nothing about it? In fact that would be fair enough, if you had an open mind.... but to then say you're not interested in learning anything new is bonkers
  13. f**k off then, everyone gets on fine. Sorry to be harsh but its as simple as that. This forum is no worse than most, I've yet to see a forum (that gets more than 2 posts a day) that doesn't have any bitching. The world is full of annoying bitchy c**ts, to think none are going to be on a massive forum like this is moronic.
  14. Hob&Jill

    Is god real...

    Anyone interested in this topic with iTunes, there is a podcast called 'DebateGod' that has a load of recorded debates. Sounds boring as feck but they are pretty interesting! I think I am a deist in that I don't believe that we literally came from nothing, but believe something somewhere created us but doesn't get involved. If you do listen to any have a look at the Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens ones, they are both good debaters and funny. God I sound like an anorak It's an fascinating open ended topic that no one knows the answer to, so saying you wont believe in 'nothing' until yo
  15. Can just imagine them sitting around a table agreeing that this is a great way to appear 'down with the kids' Just like his party.... Cringe worthy.
  16. One of the russells looks quite like one in 'gnipper's avatar?
  17. Anyone got a link to his thread with the Jays? Would love to have a look.
  18. I reckon a mini game fair/meet up might be better. More people could take part then. Someone's bound to have a small field? Few few of the guys who make gear could come have a few little stalls, donate a % of the profits to something. Could have a small entry fee for the rest? Plenty of beer and bud Just a thought edited to add, as said before something simple may be better/easier. Would take more organising than I have time to be perfectly honest with you.
  19. Hob&Jill


    A comedian as well as a bellend!
  20. Being 12 isn't a good enough excuse for being this thick.
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