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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. Yes Beddys are quite quick, thats why they are the obvious dog to breed lurchers from.
  2. Robin, does it have 2 verticle chest pockets? handwarmer pockets...
  3. Very nice dogs woodga What is the dark/light brown coloured terrier? Pat x?
  4. Just like to say thanks to ferret15 for giving me 2 of her rescue Albinos. She has a great set up all ferrets looked after very well. Thanks . Heres some pics of my Ferreting team next season. Albino Hob Huckleberry Finn Picked him up today, hes a very nice ferret, one of the smallest hobs I have seen. Albino Jill Gypsy. Also picked her up Today, very well handled and friendly Polecat Jill Asbo. My first ferret got her from a rescue last year, good worker always gives her all Sandy Jill Lilly. Not as good as Asbo, seems to kill to ground quite abit (ironicly
  5. I wasnt having ago, just giving my advice There must be a few shoots around you?
  6. Hob&Jill


    Down south, where I am its nto flodding (it some places though). Weather is bloddy aufal, I dont know what to wear. Too hot for a jacket but then it starts pissing it down Fecking hate Summer, ROLL ON WINTER
  7. Here I have just got myself a Bulldog Rabbiting spade for £22 (£14/£8 p&p) There are no more left (I just brought the last one ) but you might want to keep an eye out on the seller as they are bound to get more in. It is ex-display, but as long a it digs a hole......They retail at about £33, so your looking at £40 odd quid posted normally H&J
  8. Rabbits, havent seen a hare round my way so woul dbe pointless
  9. Haha JDF that made me laugh I got a mate with size 14's, must be shit, not much choice in footware good luck
  10. I was thinking of asking this same question I have been looking at the Seeland Beater Jacket and the DeerHunter Montana. Not sure what yet, Montana probs as it has the flecce too. One essential for me is nice warm chest pockets....... H&J EDIT> Deako, you going to be at the Midlands? Im not going to the CLA
  11. He looks a nice'un Do you think there will be any advantage to a pure Poley? I cant see it personally, would be great if it is a good workers though Is it not abit big for Rats? H&J
  12. I had plenty of blanks last season The amount of Rabbits about currently, I will have more Rabbits than I know what to do with (If myxi holds off )
  13. You can carry it Does it work in the way that, If the soil is harder the Rabbits generally wont burrow as deep? H&J
  14. I'm no gardener so I'm not sure what soil I have where I live, But its fecking hard Down south....Surrey area. Thats one impressive hole RH (sounds wrong? ) but the soil dosent look to hard, Still wouldnt fancy digging it though
  15. Seem to be gaining Intrest/Popularity this cross! Good luck with the sale
  16. What if you actually have a fat man asleep in your bush? I would check if I were you......
  17. Hob&Jill

    Fox dumping

    I'm always watching these shiity programmes, 'vets in practise' 'wildlife aid' etc they are always at it. They are always relesing Grey squirrels, pisses me right off I'm going to ring the local animal shelter and say there is an injured rat in my garden soon, bet they would touch it. Mind you squirrels are different, there are all fluffy and cute.............. Silly b*****ds....
  18. I really am not bothered about what ferts look like, but that Jill is a proper stunner :tongue4: Not just colour but build, looks nice a lightly built. Hobs a cracker too H&J
  19. Wonder if it could bolt Rabbits?
  20. Oops double posted, what type of tent peg do you use? Quite surprised at the results, I thought the triangle pegs would be on top. I use Natural pegs, Hazel mainly.
  21. Do you not find tent pegs bend or snap in hard ground? I
  22. Whast better the CLA or The Midlands? to those that have been to both.........
  23. That made me laugh ] Dont like the sound of that rew! Must been f*****g hard work Keep them coming H&J
  24. Your tried that friends reunited thing? Never know he could be a member....... My Dad done it recently found a guy he was in the RAF with 35 years back!
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