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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. I just use 2 pieces of garden wire, one at bottom one at top Or get one of those bowls that screw onto the wire.
  2. Click on options in the top right bit of your post, and go "standard"
  3. I know what I would do..... Your never going to be able to fully trust it, do what you thinks right but if its the same in a week or 2 them I would pts. I just introduced 2 new ferrets to my lot, one ferret has bite marks around the neck, I think there just sorting out the highrachy (sp) so hopefully all will be fine.
  4. Orded this today Shiplap and all, wasnt keep on the overlap, could see the ferrets climbing up the walls as I tryed to get in! What do you reckon I need to do?I am thinking I will cover the floor in a couple of inches of wood shavings to try and stop the piss soaking into the floor. A few logs and stuff for them to climb on. For sleeping I might have a box attached to the wall with a ramp? or I could put my hutch in the shed and leave it open? Do you think I might have to line the bottom with lino or something? to stop it getting wet over time?
  5. I prefer to give the rabbits a closed season, I dont do it for pest control I do it for food and a fun. We at least owe them time to breed and have so good quality rabbit time lol If its pest control them fair enough, it has to be done. Digging up a nest of baby rabbits I wouldnt call 'sporting' not my idea of fun anyway. H&J
  6. I do it alot, beats the hell out of walking I try to keep to 8-12 mph, how accurate that is I dont know, just on one of them bike computer thingys. When you start, stop every 1/2 mile or so to check the dogs feet, if they are getting saw then WALK them home. I attach the lead to my seat, making sure that the dog cannot go far enough ahead to get infrount of the wheel. I also always bring a bottle of water for the dog (and me ) It really is good fun, much better than road walking them. Just dont push it, start of at about a mile max do that for a week then abit more and so on. I do
  7. Dont give them a choice, simple as that
  8. Unfortunatly my fire has been well and truely pissed on Unless this foot and mouth turns out to be something or nothing (which is doubtful) then Im hardly likely to get much done this year Been feeling sorry for myself all day lol
  9. I go ta pair of lowas I didnt get the combat, couldnt find anywhere that stocked them and im not going to get the from the internet. Went for a pair of Lowa Munrow, non gorex. Very impressed so far, 100%waterproof and comfy out the box Only time will tell.....
  10. Begs the question why the **** arnt they vacinating asap?
  11. Hob&Jill

    other forums?

    Yeh I had noticed that it has been fine for a while, keep up the good work
  12. Hob&Jill

    other forums?

    I go on a few, 90% on here though. Couple of fishing forums, smoochers when this is down (getting more common!), and read a few more.
  13. Why would a whippet bred for showing, be better than a whippet bred for working? Genuine question......
  14. I seen a poodlexwhip/grey at the sussex game fair, old guy who owned it. Looked similar to a bedlington greyhound tbh.
  15. Case proven. Do you have no spine H+J??? Yep I do I do more than most to help promote fieldsports, as much as I can anyway. I just personally couldnt be arsed to start a website where we can throw insults back and forth. The labour governent are out and out against us, simple as that
  16. well i'll tell you what happend . first of al they lkilled all the ferret's in the country,hobs and jills . then they set out to have every 17 year old boys balls cut off. then baned them for driving fast cars, ie , 1.1 or above. no girl friends either only kfc's and macdonnalds to eat so you grew fat in no time. add to this,friday's night out,indian curry 13 pints of larger and a knee trembler inthe back lane if you're lucky. walk home,have a spew or a fight,go to bed wake up late monday and ? ive forgot what i was replying to now Computer hunter Im off to start some fi
  17. where are you? edit> just seen your name
  18. fecking hell lol are they all your specialist schutzhund dogs ? Saying that, think I would shit myself if I had that lot on my tail
  19. fecking hell the dont look good Not one of those angoras is it?
  20. Just have a deep sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach
  21. What did happen? Was a while ago and I dont remember the full extent, Im 17(edit-well in a month lol) now so was quite young when it broke out. Sorry if it seems a dumb question just want to know Is this gonna feck up the ferreting? :( What about the beating/shooting?
  22. So if we made a couple more websites it would never have been banned? I'd rather just get on with what I do and keep myself to myself.
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