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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. If I were you I would get a air pistol (crosman 2240), I wouldnt risk getting bit by a rat Not worth it....
  2. My mate lost one of his ferrets and caught it back with a rabbit leg tied onto the back of the cage. I would secure the bait if I were you, just so if somehow they manged to get in and drag the bait out the trap without it closing, very unlikely though. If the bait is tied in them the ferret will have to tugg about , surley setting it off. Like I said its highly unlikely that they wouldnt set it off, but no harm in tieing the the bait on. EDIT> Just had a thought. If your that worried then you could also feed your ferrets in the trap for a few nights with the trap door fixed shut.
  3. They're bummers mate They'd tied together after the mating and that's the easiest and most comfortable way for them to stand while they wait until they can come apart Ahhhh cheers Hope it all goes well
  4. is it 100% comfirmed foot and mouth?
  5. Hob&Jill


    Top right hand part of your post, go to 'options' then click on 'standard' That will sort it out
  6. I never seen a dog being mated, how come you do it like that?(arse to arse kind of thing lol) Genuine question as I honestly dont know I assumed you just put em in a room and let them get on with it Cheers, H&J
  7. I sat out in the garden for an hour last night 11-12 saw about 5 shooting stars. Hoped to see a few more but was good
  8. Squirrel is fecking lovely One of my favorite meats....
  9. Hob&Jill

    big brother

    Thought people on here would have more sense than to watch that shite lol
  10. f*****g excellent Very funny, informative, makes it look easy. Best net making video I seen, Thanks TBF and Rabbiteer
  11. Cant beat rabbit stew with plently of dumplings Rabbit pie and curry second. Roll on september And when I get home ferreting, Rabbit liver sandwich, tomatoe sauce and black pepper. I need a new key board, drool all over it H&J
  12. Cant stand them, got a phobia of frogs and toads
  13. Normally plastic bags lol Or legged and threaded onto stick/spade
  14. Does anyone know if these guys (bridport nets) will be at the midlands?
  15. A few rod caught trout from a local well known trout fishery (that Im a member of :ph34r:) Some line caught crays from the river mole, about 200 yards from the estate house My 12-13 year old Paterdale trying his hardest to dig out a rabbit, I dont mind hes old and enjoying him self lol Arnt dogs horrid?! Mud in his mouth and eyes :sick: H&J Edit>First pic went small
  16. Not here Just wee little green'uns. Not that I can find anyway. Cheers mate, I will try that Do you have to heat up the jar before you put it in?
  17. Blackberrys will be out soonish and I want to have a go at making jam. I dont have a clue how to go about it lol Does anyone know how to do this? Step by step idiot proof.... Thanks, H&J
  18. Hob&Jill

    Gone fishing

    Great fishing, you will be hooked now! Was out yesterday, got there at 8am finished at 6pm, caught feck all exept 3 bream, but loved every minute of it It takes dedication and stupidity to get out of bed and sit under a leaky brolly for 10 hours when the wether is like this! H&J Edit>Pics wernt yesterday was a month or so back, was hot yesterday
  19. Hob&Jill


    I let mine have a run around in the house to keep them entertained but they sleep alot as its so hot. Hope it cools down by mid september.
  20. He is coming on well Looking foward to seeing the pics of his first time lamping etc
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