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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. What would a 'true Englishman' say? I hate the stuff, But you can hardly blames farmers for wanting the best protection for there stock, its there living after all.
  2. everyone keeps talkign about this, I cant find it ANYWHERE. Any ideas? An copys?
  3. Dont think its that real lol
  4. It wasnt nessesaryily (sp ) the drowning bit that annoyed me. Just the "why do we have to be humane to rats?" If you have a rat in a cage. If you have the choice between shooting it or dorwning it, then I think everyone would agree that shooting is better and quicker. Artemis, I probably got on my high horse abit lol . But you have the choice of shooting the rat or drowning it. If you could cant really justify spending the money on that pistol, you could always buy a cheap air rifle, SMK B2 or something. You can pick them up for £20 I think. Probably wont hit a barn door with it, but
  5. Sounds good My 'Uncle Ben' makes a nice curry
  6. *Cant look* :wallbash: Good luck with homing them, to say im temped is an understatement! Best concentrate on the ones I have though H&J
  7. I like the look of that Hob&Jill
  8. Thats a f*****g weight of my shoulders It dosent seem to be spreading?.... Early days yet though....
  9. Hob&Jill


    I dont get it :mellow:
  10. 27-28 tts, how rough is that? Seems quite big for breeding. Im not being funny, I have a genuine interest in Beddy x's and just didnt think that breeding would make that size. H&J
  11. My beddy has a liking to them Hasnt caught one yet, but has coem back with tail feathers in her mouth a few times If she does catch one, I will give her a good telling off, obviosly H&J
  12. Should think they would be good all rounders, should have a couple of inches over the first cross. What coat would then have? I take it most would be smooth, would a few throw to broken coats?
  13. A terrier will kill a rat in seconds, it just dosent look pretty when 2 dogs are tugging there gutts out! Quite honestly I couldnt give a crap what it says in that article. Drowning anything IS NOT humane. Come up with as much info as you like, drowning is not quick, its going to take a few minutes at least. Not quick, Not humane. Shoot something In the brain, its dead. Simple as that. It will twitch etc, but its dead. Think I am going round in circles, if you believe that drowning a rat is more humane than shooting one, then you should do some more reaseach. Find me a article th
  14. How convient. Stick it in a bucket of water, give it 5 mins and it will be dead, no blood on your patio and no effort. Im not experianced in drowning things, who is? but it dosent take Einstien to work out its not going to be quick. Hold your breath, until you cant bare it anymore. Imagine another minute or so of it, wouldnt be nice would it? or quick.... Rats are about as tough as they come, I regulally see them going under water for 30 seconds or so, just for the sake of it. I should think it would take 5 mins to drown one. Not a nice thought. A bullet in the head is a quick as i
  15. Small fields You ever been down south? Small fields down here
  16. We have to be humane to ANY quarry, rat, rabbit,squirrel ANYTHING What you just wrote is disgusting, sorry but thats how I see it Just because they are annoying, dirty and infectious dosent meen they should be treated any less than anything else. If we have the right to kill them, then whenever posible they should have the right to a quick and painless death. Poison, Ditch will probably know abit about it, being a pest controler. Wether its humane or not, I dont know, Im not a professor (or a pest controler) Think about what you said, why should it be ok for a rat to have prolo
  17. GrubbyGrafter Out dogs look very similar
  18. Just seen on news, its just a precaution check, not an out break.
  19. Garlic is supposed to be good at preventing worms. Half a clove crushed into a bowl of bread and milk. Bread and milk being purley an easy thing to put it into, not a diet or anything. Could be an old wives tale though Come to think of it, it probably is H&J
  20. Yeh like I said its not ideal, should be alright until I can get some ply TBH I doubt I will use it all that much, its just handy that I can get it on the bike. Thinking of buying one of those poachers ferret boxes of ebay, might only fit 2 jills or a hob in it but I bet its light. Thats a bowback too.
  21. Yeh I know what you meen, I was going to make it bowbacked, but I didnt really have the materials. Might get one of the ferret box company, very good prices.
  22. Hob&Jill

    chav hunt

    You need to hunt the chavs with one of these, they say it lulls them into a false sense of security The English Chavhound
  23. I was going to get one of those drinkers, they look good but there all abit big I think. By the time they finished the water there would be fish in it lol I tried making one, but ferrets being ferrets they done whatever they could posible to ruin it They succeeded.... Little b*****ds but I cant help but love them
  24. Built this box a couple of days ago, just a single compartment. Not pretty but its strong! I built a frame (15x"9"x9") then pinned thin plywood to it. To make the frame I made 2 squares (both 15"x9"). I overlapped, glued and pinned them. Once you done this you just have to attach the uprights to make it a box. I doweled and glued them inplace. All I done then was pin and glue the ply to the frame The lid is made from 12mm MDF, Not ideal but all I had. I gave the lid 1 layer of undercoat and 4 coats of gloss. Hopefully It will be waterproof, if not I will change to ply. Its
  25. No you wont need a licence, and yes it will be legal to shoot in your garden so long as the pellets stay in your garden. Are you 50 foot from a main road? As I think that might be a requirment too..
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