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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. Nice video One question though, on the video called Digital Ranger Add-On Night Vision Ratting The was one bit where you had 2 rats sitting, and you were just looking at them for ages, I was shouting 'shoot em' lol why didnt you?! ATB, H&J
  2. Sony video cam and open to offers is abit vague. For all I know it could be £1000 sony or a £100 sony. Any chance of the model? and a rough price? Cheers, H&J
  3. Hob&Jill


    Whats this about?
  4. Has the torn up has of the exorcist girl screaming at you Im off to change my pants....
  5. Try a Hob Ferret x Russell, there spot on! I had a dream a few weeks back about bullx ferrets
  6. A couple do... Look in the video section...
  7. Good luck mate I had mine a while back for countryside and enviroment management
  8. Well it was 100% dry, almost paper like... Would have been fine for dummys etc, dosent need to be posh if dogs are going to chew it up!
  9. Thanks alot, glad to know its nothing serious I will read though the link later ATB H&J
  10. Cheaply?! I thought that was bloomin expensive... I just coverd mine in salt for ages, went really stiff. Wouldnt want to make a coat out of them but fine for dummys etc.
  11. I know, There abit cheper now but I looked a couple of months ago and there was a guy selling them for £8 each Im going to do a few this year, I have done a few before but the dog got to them
  12. Is this it? I would fecking crap myself if it happed to me!
  13. Fetch about £7-8 on ebay :tongue4:
  14. I was thinking similar Yes he did come out of season, well his balls went away. So I introduced him back to the jills and he was fine (not mounting them) but his balls have come back again now. He isnt mounting them though He seems fine, hes playing with the others and isnt scrating it at all.
  15. Judging by the wrist of the tail I would say around 9lb
  16. Come on someone must know?
  17. Fair enough Personally I would go for a GSD every time My mates dad travels all over europe doing trials and stuff like that, I have seen the dogs in action and they are not to be fecked with, Yet 100% solid with his kids. I should imagine they are quite handy to have in the field too Here is a pick from his schutzhund club, rather him than me ATB, H&J
  18. Why would a american bulldog or bandog be better than a GSD?
  19. I like the look of that wee spade bud how much did that cost ye and where from ? It cost me £14 and £7 p&p, but that was very cheap. It was an ex disply item on ebay hence the cheaper price, mint condition though. Its on decoying.co.uk for £33 quid, £40 with p&p I should think. Not cheap, mighty be worth keeping an eye out on ebay H&J
  20. Thought I would stick up a couple of pics of the new bulldog spade I bought. It is nice and small, compared to my shovel, not sure how ti will perform though You got a spade yet frank? ABT, H&J
  21. Should think a GSD will be the best bet. Simoman will probably know abit
  22. Hi, My Hob is losing hair on his tail, it is also slightly flaky and brown. Is this anything to worry about? What should I do? And what caused this? Here are pics: Any ideas? ATB, H&J
  23. nice one, nice rabbits there Cant wait to start myself, I'm going to start mid september I think.
  24. EDIT> I thought we were talking dogs Like wilf, I have heard peregin falcons are about as quick as they come. Not thats Im an expert I heard it at the falconry display at a game fair
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