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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. This section is always f*****g full full of these dumb unfunny boring threads.
  2. Anyone who buys stolen shit, fine. Just don't say a fecking thing if your house gets robbed. You're the ones keeping the dirty c**ts in work
  3. Piers Morgan and Jeremy Kyle. I'd rather extradite them c**ts and keep Abu Hamza, maybe a swap deal could be done lol.
  4. That rabbit skin glue was mad how strong it was! The making process left a bit to be desired....I think I'll stick with titebond lol. Someone told me Kevin was gay, kind of annoyed me they told me. I'm constantly looking for mannerisms etc now.
  5. Justice at its best lol. f*****g hate thieves, and people who support them.
  6. Great footage! If anyone wants a good book about leopards check out 'The man eating leopard of Rudraprayag' can be got for pennys on Amazon. This one Leopard killed 100+ people. Honestly its one of the best books you can buy! Leopards will f**k you up
  7. I think the fairest and most realistic thing to do would be to set up a donation account or the like that we could all put a few quid in. Then let the family decide what they would like to do with the cash. There's that website 'just giving' that seems to be for online fund raising, maybe that would be suitable.
  8. Thanks for that, Great videos from your friend! I'll have to get some of them sand paper discs for the angle grinder, look handy.
  9. 95% of Australians are annoying feckers.
  10. http://youtu.be/P5pBN3cE-2A Remember watching this a few days after he died Unbelievably strong from that little girl
  11. Hob&Jill

    x factor

    Real men can show emotion
  12. I googled it and it seems to be the "Ayr Amateur Opera Company".....http://www.aaoc.org.uk/ Fair enough if you're into that but I doubt there's any other members on here
  13. Agreed it is easy to get but its hard to know what you're getting or the quality, I think the main benefit to it being legalised would be easy access to different strains/variety's etc and hopefully cheaper. Unfortunately I can't see it being legalised though.
  14. What does weed cost over there?
  15. Not to be rude, as I have seen pictures of your knives, you're clearly skilled in what you do and make some very nice knives! But I can't see how it will make a great 'all round' knife, In fact to be honest I can't think of a single use for this knife when rabbiting?
  16. Pretty sure there has been lying tw*ts and con artists around through out history, it's not just limited to these days.
  17. I knew this thread would be a link to DoneDeal before I opened it lol
  18. I used to give them to my dogs, but they are dear
  19. You must be taking the piss, no yorkshire puddings.
  20. Not that I'd really give a feck if he was a racist, but I don't believe he is. Chelsea is full of black players, and he leads that team better than any other captain I can think of. Cannot imagine they would put up with it if they had any doubts. Everyone says he is a c**t etc but I'm not sure why. I've met him once and he seemed a nice guy, pretty shy and quiet. Anyone remember a T.V programme for the world cup where he went night fishing? Well it was my mate who went with him and he said the same, just a quiet pretty normal bloke who enjoys his fishing when you get away from all the cele
  21. I listen to a lot of podcasts, none about hunting though. Here's a few I like anyway. The Joe Rogan Experience SALT-Seminars about long term thinking Duncan Trussel family hour Beauty and da beast DebateGod Edit, all from America I think, so I'm not much use to you
  22. I'd like to think I wouldn't be so stupid but to be honest I am not sure if I could help myself but to try and get the dog. Suppose you would just have to weigh up the situation, hopefully I never have to.
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