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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. Surley the smallest would be italian greyhound x chiwawa (feck spelling that lol) Who cares anyway, would be shit.
  2. I got one of this seller a few weeks back, made a post about it too. Quick delivery, spades in perfect condition reason for cheap price is they are ex display
  3. Well when you buy one of these things surely you dont expect to have to modify it ? , its brand new for gods sake not summat from a car boot If a collar gets caught on a root, then I would rather it came off with velcro than the ferret get tied up and strangle its self. Velcro is surprisingly strong. I might give it ago soon
  4. I got no interest in using it, just speaking historically and for my interest. ATB, H&J
  5. Hi, I cant find ANY referances on the net for this trap. Its is basically a spring snare used to catch pheasents, it is also baited. Here is a little drawing I drew up, the proportions are all out but you get the idea how it works. The yellow thing on the green stick is the bait, a piece of corn on the cob is what I saw. Mr or Mrs pheasent comes along, starts pecking at the cob through the snare, which knocks the stick out causing the hazel pole to spring up snaring the pheasent. The sides of the trap are coverd in bush, weeds etc to try and only let the pheasent get to the bait one w
  6. There crap cheif, you have to do the collar up so bloomin tight that its would be far less comfortable. Better of with teh leath collars on them, I changed all mine to it but then I used the leather on my catapults
  7. 8ft or 15ft? There are a few 15fts on ebay at the mo.
  8. Dogs seem to be a hell of alot cheaper over there, 40-50 quid most of them!
  9. 1. Start a Photobucket acount (free). 2. Upload your pics to there. 3. Once uploaded copy and paste the "IMG CODE" (will be nest to picture when uploaded) into your post. 4.Picture will be on screen ATB, H&J
  10. Not a bad watch Not as good as the first one but still a very good dvd imo.
  11. I use one of them hedge hunter. I say I use it, very rarley though.
  12. Hob&Jill


    My kind of humour
  13. Thats a load of crap tbh mate Cooked chicken bones you cannot feed, RAW IS FINE.
  14. Nice one Bet the antis watching will be convinced that your pup killed the fox lol
  15. Says the twat that feels the need to talk to himself under a different name?
  16. Mr1, Dont you have anything to say on the matter?
  17. IP Address is nothing to do with email addresses, It meens you are using the same computer as 'frank spencer'. (edit. something like that) YOU HAVE BEEN RUMBLED
  18. Never really found I needed one. I wouldnt mind a small one what would fit in the bag, other than that just extra gear to be carrying around.
  19. I use a blade tech, might not be very traditional but there easy to use when your ferreting etc and they do put a razor sharp edge on my knives..
  20. Happy b'day Never seen you post though lol, last post in sep 06 Have a good one if you are reading....
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