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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. Good stuff I like a rabbit stew with dumplings, cant beat it :tongue4: Followed by your rabbit burgers
  2. Why didnt you state you wanted a ferret finder in the title, saves me wasting part of my life looking at this thread
  3. "A lawn edge spade, which can be used for badger digging, was also found." Concrete evidence
  4. Nice one, wouldnt have felt a thing I bought one at the midlands, not having a f*****g clue how to use it. Managed to get it stuck on my finger didnt know how to get it off either was on for about a minute before I managed to get it off! Trial and error isnt a great way to learn and traps. Play safe kids
  5. Flea's spread the disease, more of a problem in Spring and Autumn with warm and wet conditions down underground. Wouldnt mozy's spread it too? If they transfer blood then that would do it. Do mozys bite bunnys then?
  6. Spoke to soon Went for a walk about with the dogs and found 3 dead and a couple of rotting smelling bushes
  7. I thought they were really rare? Probably getting confused with something
  8. Depends what type.......Single compartment........double........bowback........etc Give us a clue and someone will know. Simon Whitehead sells good ferret boxes if it dosent go to plan. They are very light too. Not sure if you can buy them on internet, he is at a few gamefairs though.
  9. Forgot to say, Not a laptop. Do I want xp or vista? Is vista good?
  10. My comp at the moment is slowly dieing and need a new one. Just started college and the current one isnt really up to the job. £1000 for Computer, Screen and Printer.... Anyone help out? I really know feck all, so sorry if its abit vague. I will try to answer anything you need to know.... H&J
  11. I like my bulldog rabbiting spade but personally I would like a little more width do the blade (that what its called?) As you cant seem to get much dirt onto them....
  12. I was under the impression that before locators most folk used liners? I wish I had a magical ferret that never killed
  13. Must be one hell of a dog Great dock on its tail too
  14. like i said, just for the history of the strains!!!! AHHHHH I read it as 'The Fell Terrier' otherwise known as the plummer terrier lol Not 'The Fell Terrier' written by Brian Plummer. My mistake, Will go back under my stone
  15. Looks a nice peice of ground It is nice scenery but can be a pain to ferret, lots of bramble patches hedge rows etc I didnt get a pic today but he is looking fine now. Can barely even see the cut now . I am going out again thursday hopefully so I will try and get some pics. Not promising anything as I never seem to remember to take pics
  16. Cant understand the attraction myself I did know a girl with a corn snake, couldnt get my head around why I am supposed to like it though lol. Be interesting to go rabbiting with them though, or "snaking" .
  17. Cheers millet The hob is doing great, he is a really nice gentle chap. Lovely to handle, so placid and calm all the time. He seems to be working fine too. At the moment I am just working the two I got off you, get them used to it and see what they are made of Here is a mate with the end of days catch :victory:Not a big bag but a good enough catch for some bunny burgers and ferret food. Just wanted to make something clear. The hob got the cut on the very last warren of the day. Didnt want it to look like he cut it then we went on all day
  18. Ditch, Come to think of it he didnt have the matted fur in his claws, didnt think about that at the time He did also come out with a bottle-brush tail. Although I have a ferret whos tail goes like that everytime she is worked. It was only the second time I have worked him. I got him of ferret15 on here. The main cut is just above his eye, the light red blob bit in the pic. The are a couple of stratchs around the bottom of the eye. Am I right in thinking rats bites are anticoagulant? Just the cut didnt seem to clot up quickly, it was still weeping when I got home. The pic actually mak
  19. I made some of these yesterday, They are fecking lovely I love Rabbit stew with dumplings but this comes a close second
  20. I was out ferreting yesterday and my hob got a right kicking from a rabbit. I assume it was a bottled up buck or something. Could it have been a rat? Just want to check I done right, I cleaned it with warm water then applied some germaline. Probably not needed but wanted to make sure. Pic taken after been cleaned up. ATB, H&J
  21. I do like watching the programme, but like someone said hes plays at it Kind of pissed me off about the ferrets, you would think they would make an effort to research and learn about the animal there going to keep. They knew f**k all about them.
  22. Looks a good day out Not sure about that locator stick thingy though
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