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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. God I am glad I'm not a Chelsea fan. And that's coming from a gooner, I'd rather have another 20 years without a trophy than have that Russian clown at my football club.
  2. I misread at was expecting a weird video of a German Shorthaired Pointer vs Conduit pipe lol
  3. Your writing style reminds me of Ditch Shitter, that probably makes no sense to you lol.
  4. Not saying I agree with the sentence but what did the bloke expect?... SAS or not you ain't allowed 9mm glocks in this country, pretty obvious that he would get in shit for it.
  5. You bunch of thick c**ts, don't even know what a silica greyhound is Amateurs! They are like Minshaws, only better.
  6. I love dogs and would keep them regardless of whether I worked them or not, so I'd own most dogs really if we're talking about non workers. As long as they are bright, fit and healthy and could chase a ball etc lol. Can't see what enjoyment people get from keeping British Bulldogs etc. I hope one day to have a proper working bred German Shepard and to compete in schutzhund with it, Also have a soft spot for working Cocker Spaniels. so maybe a Cocker too lol.
  7. I'm an Arsenal fan and can't really disagree with anything you have said gnasher, sadly. We're more of a business than a football club these days really. Though with Wenger I'm undecided, I can't believe that anyone else could do much better with the resources. I'm not convinced it's him selling the top player, the troubles lie with the board I think. Saying that, maybe he is becoming a bit stale. I certainly would never want him sacked, he has done too much for the club and the English game in general. If we ever had the chance to get Guardiola I would hope we would.
  8. Hob&Jill


    I use a old style double edge razor, fecking brilliant. Blades cost pennys, last ages and shaves far closer and better than the fusion thing I had before,
  9. Thanks for that, I start a new job tomorrow you c**t
  10. I thought that was SHH's list of victims lol
  11. Raw is fine, anyone who says it needs to be cooked is wrong. Just write people, it really doesn't take that much longer than pple, I thought you were writing something to do with apples lol
  12. Just drink the rest mate, no ones going to want to buy a half drunk bottle of wine.
  13. Hob&Jill

    Gary McKinnon

    Bloody good news, poor b*****d wouldn't of stood a chance. And he was excellent in that Sherlock Holmes series.
  14. Their shop they can charge what they like, when they like, if you don't like it buy your own fecking chrono.
  15. Reminds me of a girl I used to know
  16. Two wrongs don't make a right. Think you'd be better off keeping your dog away then you can say some old bullshit like 'look mate, I helped you out when your bitch was in heat. I'd appreciate it if you could...bla bla bla' Besides, there's too many unneeded pups out there, no point risking anything.
  17. Can't wait to see the pictures of the bushcraft knives! I'll probably be having one when I have a bit more cash together.
  18. Saw a bull once get its head stick in a f*****g great big galvanised ring feeder, it was throwing the thing around above its head like it was a tin can. Cows, Bulls, anything that could easily kill me if it wanted to I try to be wary of lol.
  19. Joe Hart for Arsenal. I'm sick of years of shite keepers, its cost us.
  20. I've shot a fecking shit loads of Canada's and never ate one. I did used to work for a fishery and was surrounded by the noisy, shit ridden, aggressive, stinking, messy f*****g feathered rats all day, so I have built up a slight hatred of them lol. Rats of the water
  21. I find Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross about as funny as leukaemia lol
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