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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. I bet it f***ing stinks in the back of your van
  2. Jake Bugg. http://youtu.be/VJovqpbjpao http://youtu.be/VHLN6K640gQ
  3. http://youtu.be/dipFMJckZOM What a f*****g brilliant song, I could listen to it all day. http://youtu.be/OeP4FFr88SQ Great live performance of Tambourine Man.
  4. If the RSPCA cared about animals they would get an air rifle and finish the fecking poor thing off.
  5. I have a phobia of Frogs and Toads. Literally feel like I could die when the see them, f*****g pathetic lol.
  6. vice.com Some great documentaries on there. Guide to North Korea is worth a watch + plenty more. They're all on youtube as well.
  7. Cheers for the suggestions, plenty to go through. I'm certainly going to have a busy week Back to work next week so I may as well make the most of the tramp life while I have it
  8. Sure this threads been done a few times but what the hell. I've got a week until I am back to work so looking for a few good films to watch. I watched Good Will Hunting last night, what a great film IMO. Any suggestions of your favourite films? atb, HJ
  9. There was a one where I used to work. It would chase me all day on the ride on mower. When I stopped it would hop onto the wheel of the mower and I could feed it bits of my lunch. I ran over its foot by accident with the small coaster wheels on the front deck of the mower, and ever since then it would attack me if I got off the mower, but would still let me feed it by hand on the mower . It appeared for 3 consecutive summers, as soon as the mower got fired up, then disappeared, dead I assume. Amazed it lasted so long with it being as confident as it was. Right old character it was, I fed it fl
  10. Did he not come up with the "does anyone feel like cumming when they have a shit" (or words to that effect ) thread??? Yeah I remember that, but I'm not sure if it was the other way round! Bit of German blood in him maybe? Do ye shit, as ye cum? http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/32729-when-you-have-sex/ THL Legend!
  11. Ditch if you read this, COME BACK!!! We need you! His old threads should be gathered up and pinned somewhere!
  12. Can't believe BlockBusters lasted as long as it has to be honest.
  13. No issue with me either, it's obvious that they are road kill. Maybe I am just paranoid, but Badgers are so sacred these days it's not something I would want to have on my computer, especially being into field sports etc. Imagine if, God forbid, if you were one day arrested for a so called 'wildlife crime', police can and do watch this site, so having a link to a picture of a dead badger (with your foot on it) you posted isn't going to do you any favours. It's hardly like the RSPCA and police are on our side, I don't think its beyond them to make a mountain out of a mole hill. Like I
  14. Not being funny but you blokes are fecking mad for even having pics of dead Badgers, let alone putting pictures of them up, no matter how they died.
  15. I'll be watching with bated breath, just to hear the mention of your name. Not lol.
  16. I hate facebook, even the word gets my back up lol.
  17. Would be a German Shepard for me, can't see the advantage of any other guard breed over a gsd. Should be easier to find a decent working bred dog too.
  18. Either get your own land or stop fecking moaning! If it was my land you decided to pitch up on I'd want you to f**k off too. What gives you the right to live on land for free that someone else has to get up and work everyday to own?
  19. Hob&Jill


    I have loads of weird habits, like it takes me ages sorting out my pillows before bed. All the edges have to be folded in on themselves and seams have to be inline lol. I wouldn't say it's proper OCD though, probably would devalue it for people who genuinely suffer from OCD.
  20. Makes me laugh with facebook etc, Hundreds and hundreds of so called 'friends'. I've plenty of people I'm friendly with but in reality I could count my true mates with half a hand.
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