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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. Braver than me!, been bitten by too many ferrets to go near a fecking wild thing like that!
  2. Makita cordless and Bosch corded is what I tend to go for.
  3. Well done catching the Moles... Ignore the holier than thou, snooty arsed pest control brigade
  4. Did actually try that once, and it was nice! But I'll still stick with my Heineken for the time being
  5. No, it tastes like shit! Give me a Heineken, Holsten Pils. Kronenburg etc any day! Mind you, I never liked lager when I was younger so maybe I'll like the shit when I'm older
  6. I was thinking of going this year, kind of forgot about it. Anyone ever been? Is it a good laugh?
  7. Anyone remember when that fishfish bloke made a thread about catapult piracy? He got the f***ing piss ripped out of him, rightly so. Sorry SS but if the issue is gafer supposedly copying the design of your collar, how do you know that you were the first? It's only a fecking collar, there ain't that many ways to make them?! Not personally keen on the pictures I've seen of gafers collars, just personal taste, they aren't for me. They look well made and at a decent price though, so that's all that matters. I think the general reaction to this topic would be far different if it was a l
  8. Anyone who could eat that needs f***ing sectioning!!
  9. If I've smoked a joint I'll eat some weird shit, everything just tastes so f***ing good Heinz sandwich spread, about half a jar in a sandwich was a recent one.
  10. WTF is a pie sandwich? Literally a pie between 2 slices of bread? Fecking weirdo's Not a sandwich but I love a bit of stuffed heart! I hate kidney but like liver. Squirrels a lovely meat too. Camel is the worst meat I've ever had, tasted something like sweaty piss.
  11. Well I for one am deeply offended
  12. Anyone ever been to budapest?

    1. wig887


      i have but cant remember a lot about it !!

    2. Hob&Jill


      lol, drink induced rather than boring I hope!

  13. Get a double edge safety razor, you won't regret it. Blades are pennys and last for weeks and they shaves better than fusions/mach 3's etc IMO.
  14. I've never used siltex, or heard of it to be honest. We just used sacks of hydrated lime. If it does the same job but in pellet form I would seriously consider it! Working with sacks of lime of a boat was a nightmare, the boats get covered, everything. It's a messy business. Wet skin + lime isn't nice. If you ever net it, it might be worth contacting local colleges who run fisheries management courses to see if they want to help. Students get experience and you get cheap labour We had quite a few from Sparsholt and Hadlow help us out. Good luck with it, hope everything works out, It
  15. Lovely lake mate! Loads of character to it, can't stand featureless muddy holes like some lakes are. I reckon a flat bottomed punt would be nice for there! Sure you know but careful with that hydrated lime, f***ing evil stuff, burnt holes in a few blokes skin where I worked, silly feckers were smothered in it lol Is it just for yourself or are you going to make a fishery of it? Jealous hob&jill!
  16. The main machinery we used was a Tele Handler and a 20t digger.Tele handlers are great, far. more versatile than a tractor, although the one we had was without a PTO. I'd say you'll need a decent trash pump, we used a 4" honda, And at probably a decent tractor/trailer set up. Though it all depends on the terrain really. A small portable boat is handy, we used a little bic plastic thing. Light so I could throw it in the back of my van. Hard to say much though without knowing specifics etc, atb, HJ
  17. Turning up late really winds me up, even one minute is enough lol. If you've agreed a time, f***ing turn up you lazy **** grrrrr lol I am OCD with time keeping, I tend to get everywhere 15-20 minutes early, which is probably equally annoying
  18. I worked as a fishery bailiff for a couple of years, know the basics, may be able to help, maybe not . HJ
  19. Hob&Jill


    It will be a sad day when Attenbrough goes, I don't think he's ever made a bad programme. What a great man to still do what he does, with such enthusiasm at his age and probably multi millions in the bank,
  20. I trap a few in the local river in summer, always thought they are a bit over rated myself. They are nice but I prefer prawns or lobster. Mind you, you can get a decent bag full in a 3-4 traps for free, so they're not to be sniffed at!
  21. The big deal is that they are advertising it as beef, simple as that. No one I've spoke to has given a shit about the horse meat, only the false advertising.
  22. I put this up in a thread on the shotgun section a few weeks back. There was a one where I used to work. strange fecking thing would chase me all day on the ride on mower. When I stopped it would hop onto the wheel of the mower and I could feed it bits of my lunch. I ran over its foot by accident with the small coaster wheels on the front deck of the mower, and ever since then it would attack and fly into me with its spurs if I got off the mower, but would still let me feed it by hand on the mower . It appeared for 3 consecutive summers, as soon as the mower got fired up, then disappeare
  23. Sarah Millican is f***ing crap Same as all women comedians to be honest. I find most American comedy pretty dreadful as well. I'd say Jimmy Carr makes me laugh the most, Kevin Bridges is great too.
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