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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. If they are the same size as the ferret boxes then give mick dadd can supply them. He is a member on her give him a pm. search 'mick dadd' and you should find him. But ive never seen the terrier ones so i dont know if they are the same size. edited to say he also will service and sells new mk1 collars, for ferrets dont know if he does for terriers.
  2. Why cant he just find her the right home? Why would you feck the dog about more than you need to by sending back to a rescue?
  3. Fill my pergeot expert up for £-85 and lasts me about 3 or 4 weeks. I get 600 miles a tank. I would think it works out about £20 a week
  4. Ah interesting Ive been told there are some very big barbel in some of cobham courts streches.
  5. I much prefer hobs. All the hobs Ive had I have prefered to the jills. I dont even think they kill more they just do it quicker and ground the rabbits better to give you a solid location to dig to. Where as I have had jills get pulled off kills, if there not in a cul-de-sac (stop end lol) I dont find any advantages to jills where I work them, just dont like them. I think hobs get are quicker to enter too as alot of jill kits ive had just feck around for a good few trips out before they start doing anything much. I also think they are more methodical in the way they work. Never found muc
  6. Very good fish for the Mole, well done. What stretch are you fishing? (just rough area if you dont want to say)
  7. Do you want hand knitted nets? or cut sheet netting nets? John hubbery does really nice hand knitted nets at a good price. Although getting quite alot will set you back even though they are a good price. Probs get slated for this but I think brian brindeds sheet netting nets are pretty good and a good price. Ive got some that are 5 seasons old and are still fine.
  8. White or sandy hobs are my favorite. Dont think it makes any difference but I do like being easily able to see a light coloured ferret. Dont think the colour has anything to do with if they bite or not either
  9. I like it ian but when looking at posts with pictures in sometimes a picture is cut in half with a big white gap in between? is pretty annoying but I like it otherwise. EDIT. sorry im a lazy retard who missed the last post lol, thanks.
  10. You would be surprised at how active some warrens can look without holding. I have a abit of ground, woods backing onto fields, hedges round the fields ect. There are alot of open sand warrens in the middle of the fields, fresh sand all kicked out, footprints, prints all over them but we rarely get much out of them, normally 1 or 2 or less. The hedges and woodland burys seem to hold rabbits more. We have been up there with the lamp and seen rabbits all about the open warrens so I think they are just using them as play warrens or just pass though in the night? Quick cover for them when feedin
  11. Dont really care its not that much different.
  12. Ah I might have to have a go at that with the spade as I like my bulldog but find when you get past 3 foot it can be abit hard getting the loose soil out. Ive thought about doing it before but assumed it would make the metal weak or something. atb,, HJ
  13. Do you know where you got that spade from mate? looks ideal. Nice land youve got to work. atb, hj
  14. Air arms s410 is a great gun, as good as any £1000 gun in my opinion and is in another league to most others in the same price. Do a search for 's410' I dount you'll find many if any bad reviews edited to add, get a silencer with it if you do. He wont be dissapointed.
  15. Hob&Jill


    well spotted Good luck mate.
  16. Nice one Joe. I was out fishing today caught a 40lb tadpole, was a good fight. Got thirsty though so I drank the whole lake! After that I went ferreting on the local pig farm, you will never guess what..... one of the pigs started flying, amazing sight, caught 345 rabbits in half hour. On the way home I bumped into Cheryl Cole and Pamela Anderson had a quick threesome in the van. Just got back now, bit knackered actually. ATB HJ
  17. You havent taken any of the advice. Really dont want to spund horrid but your not capable of being the right owner. Simple as that. Its a weak little 5 month old pup and your strugling, it will only get worse. When that dog bites one of your kids you will wish you took the advice. Just GIVE UP now before its too late. Do right by the dog and your KIDS. I doubt you will listen as you dont seem to want to/ or you not capable of it
  18. I actually feel sick reading this lol. Ive never had anything bad either so makes me think I have got it all to look foward to lol
  19. Hello mate did you get her froma guy in swansea? Ive got a pup of the same breeding.
  20. lol thanks. Shes a nice dog, will be interesting to see how she shapes up when shes older, and how racy she will be etc.
  21. Feck me spot on 1/2 Greyhound 1/4 Whippet 1/4 Collie Opinions wanted HJ
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