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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. Hob&Jill


    You dont like grasses but you want someone to grass and tell you who gave it out.....
  2. Generally collie x's would be easier but it depends on the dog, they arent robots and each have different characteristics, personalitys and intelegence etc....
  3. 3 to 5 miles steady pace every 2 days behind the motor as soon as . You having a laugh? 3 - 5 miles behind a car with a 5 month old pup? great way to f**k its joints and feet up thats about all you would gain from it.
  4. The warrener does 'whippets at work' which cheap copys can be got off ebay but the copy I got is shit quality.
  5. Hob&Jill

    rod & dog

    Its Little Lloyd who used to be on the forum. So when you read this you little c**t you will know there is a few looking for him. Looks like we have an address too, so watch your back you slimy little f****r. I will give it a few more days just to make sure. If I am wrong I will happily appologise but its not looking good.
  6. Well I brought a dvd off him 3 days ago, he said its been posted so we shall wait and see.
  7. Try Mick Dadd, he is on this website dadd2005 I think his name is. Top bloke good to deal with. atb, HJ
  8. Dont see a problem myself as long as your not fecking up other peoples ground i.e. making them lamp shy. The point is that its good exercise for the dog, gives the dog abit of 'work' even if its not conventional lol not everyone can own a lurcher at least hes making the most of what hes got and dosent have a spoilt fat pot bellied terrier like you many you see with pet owners. ATB HJ
  9. IC Breakdown mate I cant recomend them enough, everytime ive used them they have been top quality and they are cheaper than the bigger names. The clutch went on my van a few months back, I rang them up straight away they arived in half an hour. They told me they could only take the van to a garage within 15 miles of my house but I wanted it to go to peugeot which was further, they didnt mind and took it there. Honestly mate look at the reviews on the internet they come up better than most thats why I went with them. atb, HJ
  10. Theres no need to take the batteries out of the original mk3 collars either, just pull the 2 parts slightly apart so the batteries are held in but but not being used. Test with locator so see if you get a signal.
  11. This whole global warming shit comes up every year, its been fecking freezing! Rabbits just breed all year round just less so in the winter, how this could be blamed on global warming, i dont know.
  12. Depends what im doing or where I am going but if I had to chose one it would be wellies as they are a little more versatile. Although boots with good gaiters you can even quickly enter water without it getting through.
  13. Then I wouldnt get one if thats what your saying. Not yet anyway read as much as you can non stop and learn about keeping dogs, training etc Trust me you will regret it at a later date if you rush into getting a dog. atb HJ
  14. well said!!!!! thick brits with there hunting ban hahahahhahhahahahhahahahahahaha because they dont live in playgrounds and peoples gardens or big 5 acre fields! Yeah because thats all the type of ground that exists in england
  15. Just put them on tightly, it really is as simple as that. I dont know how so many people have problems with the old mk3 collars, they are wide so that they can go on tight without any problems. You will need to burn new holes in the collars though, put a new hole inbetween all the standard ones. Then just do the collars up as tight as they will go, within reason. They can be alot tighter than you think, you shouldnt be able to get a finger underneath, thats wayyy to lose. When the collars are on, pick the ferret up by the scruff above the collars and slide the collars down as far as they
  16. Forgot to say im not sure what tetras they are but they have red tails and are grey in coular and almost see through,, i need to get rid of these asap beacuse they are upsetting the ballance in my tank, cheers How do they go with chips and mushy peas? WTF this is turning into an agony aunt column. If you can't live with your likkle fishy-wishies sling 'em in the bin. Eat 'em. Stamp on the little slimy fughpigs. JUST STOP ANNOYING PEOPLE ON HERE,OK? We don't want to hear your sad story about your finny friends. Tell us how to catch 'em in the fishing forum or just EFF OFF
  17. 394? Ive always used 393's they work fine.. My collars are the orginal mk3 collars not the leather strap ones, I am sure they are supposed to be 393's?
  18. Thanks mate but I need them for next weekend and I wont have a chance all week. I normally get them from ebay, 393's, never had any problem until now.
  19. Hello. Can anyone let me know wether the mk3 collars take alkaline or silver oxide batteries? It seems Ive brought a load of duff batteries. The ones I have brought were alkaline. I dont know whether they are duff bateries or the wrong sort. I know it seems obvious to get the oxide ones but this batch of alkalines could just be shit and they are the right type so I dont want to order until I am sure. Never really paid any attention to the ones Ive got before so Ive either been lucky and got the right ones everytime or it dosent matter? Thanks H&J
  20. Mine wake up to a pin drop, I cant open the shed door without them waking up
  21. Are you finding rabbit numbers lower this year than last in SE england mate? Just you seem to be getting amongst them still on my few permissions in the SE (surrey) numbers are well down from last year.
  22. Does anyone know how long canaural will last? Ive got some from the vets only used a small amount but didnt want to keep it of it goes off?
  23. Does anyone know where you can get the battery caps for the mk1 collars? or if you can get them? In need of one H&J
  24. No offence mate but it dosent take a genius to see that if the pup is eating well and isnt putting on any weight then there is something up with it. Get it to the vets asap.
  25. 'WY' and 'R!' would do me fine Happy new year H&J
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