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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. Not really its a ferret they are going to riggle, just handle it confidently and firmly and put the collar on.
  2. The mk3 collars really need holes put inbetween the ones already there. Just put them on tightly, almost as tight as you can get it. Trust me, its fine. If people done that it would save so much moaning about the collars.
  3. Obviously they are not built for ferrets......it dosent have any holes in it and has decent mesh....i know ferrets are good at escaping but ffs they arent that good.
  4. You can get brand new single tear hutches for about £40 in some pet shops round here.
  5. To be honest its not only kids, lets face it some parts of society know about wildlife, others dont. Its always going to be like that and always has. I know plenty of adults who are know feck all too.
  6. Nope I use them and im fine. I dont think they do any less damage as the coarse hook barbs are so small but its so much easier and quicker to sort out.
  7. I had the exact same thing a couple of years ago in a litter of 8. All looked fine to start with but every day there would be a new one looking bad, they couldnt walk properly and had bent spines. None of mine actually died, i put them all down, it was a horrible experience, even if one or two survived (which i highly doubt they would have) I would question how healthy they really are inside and could never breed from them. The main difference in my case is none of mine died, they actually didnt look like they would have died quickly as in your case, the whole process in mine seemed a bit slo
  8. I can guarantee that every bloke reading this has crossed his legs slightly
  9. Offer them your knuckle, if they bite it gently push it back into there throat, just gently enough to make them want it out, they will soon get that its not a good idea. This is the best method Ive used as its instant so they relate biting to that, ive never found flicking noses etc works..
  10. The more luxury blends of grass seed, containing no rye grass, will be abit nicer looking, but wont be as hard wearing as a basic utility seed. Personally I would just get a utilty blend, just as good (unless you want a bowling green) , cheaper, more hard wearing. Although if the area is shady or low water I believe the more lux types are more reliable as they grow slower needing less water, light etc. Like ftb said just make sure you have a fine tilth on the soil, sprinkle the seed on and roll it in. Ive done alot of seeding and never really had any trouble with birds, ive seen di
  11. One of my jills had 3 kits, 3 weeks ago. She got rid of one so I now only have 2 kits. For obvious reasons Ive been keeping any disturbance, handling etc to a minimum. I went to feed her about an hour ago and she seemed calm enough so I picked her up and gave her a fuss but there is a large lump still inside her stomach area. I can only assume shes got one inside her still.... I assume I am going to have to pts at some stage, but I still have 2 dependant kits for at least another 3 weeks.... I cant imagine I could leave her for another 3-4 weeks with this inside her. Shes not acting str
  12. One of my jills had 3 kits this year one of them looked smal and weak, the next day it was gone. Nature knows best, survival of the fittest!
  13. But have you ever tried spun polyester or spun nylon? Not being funny mate a genuine question
  14. I think they have a few problems with cheap steel and the blades cracking.
  15. I need a new belt too, only for working. Ive got a old leather one now but I thought about asking if strongstuff could make one up? Would be an ideal belt for working.
  16. How am I a know it all bitch?.....As I said you come across as very up yourself and as a know it all....often your posts are pretty patronising. And how am i full of bullshit? Remind me again HOW CAN A BIRD WITH A BROKEN WING BE IN A TREE?? as thats what you said in your 'snares stolen' thread lol.
  17. Hazzer you come on this forum and your first post is giving wrong advise and then when corrected send me a PM saying this "shut the f**k up you know it all bitch. or il f*****g hack you " Does anyone else think this is a bit off or is it just me? Its just you. You are a 'know it all bitch' to be honest....your also FULL of bullshit...You come accross as very patronising and up yourself, with f**k all to back it up, apart from your fairytale threads you come up with occassionally. The shit you come up with, its insulting for you to think that anyone would believe it. but
  18. its not a case of if you think it would be to much for her, it WOULD be too much for her. Try again next year, you could always use another hob? atb, HJ
  19. The word 'snug' as in a comfortable room in a house. When people describe themselves using words like 'mad' 'bubbly' 'nutter'.......just f**k off!
  20. Ive got to take a test if I am towing over 750 kg! Fecking joke. Because I passed my test a couple of years ago. Think yourself lucky lol, HJ
  21. That box looks fine to me if its just for the one ferret, think of the size of the compartments in a double box, they only curl up and go to sleep they dont need loads of space. More wood= more weight.
  22. Tell him to stop being a soft f****r and get on with it
  23. lol it seems that way. Was only listening cause its stuck on radio 4 in the tractor I was in lol.
  24. Did anyone else hear the talk on ferrets on radio 4 today? I think it was followed up by a story about some gay tranny lads lol.....
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