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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. Funny how people hate Pakistan and similar counties yet want us to behave in a way that would make us no better.
  2. In some ways I admire that they are at least trying to do something, and I think Tommy Robinson speaks well from what I have heard. I'm sure some of their members have sensible views. The trouble with the EDL is that a lot of the members have 'racist' views, and were probably driving the BNP band wagon last week! Whether you care about the term 'racist' or not, the fact is the majority of the public do. Appealing to the majority of the public is the only way to make a difference and they have alienated themselves from the vast majority of the public by appearing a racist organisation.
  3. One of the greatest front men of all time IMO, couldn't care less what he looks like
  4. Wow, an attention seeking idiot on Facebook! Next you'll be showing me evidence of an alcoholic living in Scotland. Sad thing is, you've probably made their day!
  5. Wouldn't it be funny if these c**ts do all this shit to reach heaven and the virgins etc, and they end up with Subo and Ann Widdecombe.
  6. Some people are so f***ing thick it's not even worth trying to reply.
  7. And that Ladies and Gentlemen, is Irony .
  8. How can you say that when you literally have no idea what went on on that flight? How can you say that when you literally have no idea what went on on that flight? You have a point mate but the alternative could have been so much worse. It's lucky things have turned out as they did. What would everyone be saying if it had have crashed into a built up area and the chance to stop it hadn't been acted upon. Sometimes better safe than sorry. Depends where it is, if its over a populated area then shooting it down would have the same effect. I see what you're saying, if th
  9. How can you say that when you literally have no idea what went on on that flight?
  10. Indians and Sri Lankans are some of the nicest most hard working people you could wish to meet! And like you say, if you ever want to hear a Paki get abuse, ask an Indian what they think of them! Never should they be tarred with the same brush I am by no means a fan of Muslims/Islam (understatement of the year) but this extremist issue does seem to be more of a regional problem than a religion problem. There are around 13,000,000 Chinese Muslims, 1,000,000+ Spanish Muslims, 200,000+ French Muslims (Demba Ba, Cisse, Nasri, Ribery, Benzema, Sagna etc). We don't really hear a peep from them
  11. How about that film 'The Artist'?, came out a couple of years a go, silent film in black and white. Never seen it but it got rave reviews at the time!
  12. Just had a quick google, and found a forum dedicated to derelict buildings. Endless threads and pictures inside of derelict buildings, f**k I could kill hours looking at this http://www.derelictplaces.co.uk/
  13. I'd love to have a look around some old derelict buildings. There's a huge old derelict factory I pass on the way to Brighton, Someone probably knows what it was? I'd love to have a mooch around in there.
  14. Hob&Jill


    They're what I used. Blues. No problem at all. I can roll with them pretty good now, but feck me it took some practice I'm strictly a 'green smelly herb' type bloke though, I don't smoke baccy on it's own, so I don't roll that often.
  15. Hob&Jill


    Think they're hard, try the king size slim skins .
  16. Frank Turner. Great artist, like his songs, simple but interesting song writing. He used to be the front man in a band called Million Dead, very different music but they're a great band, I'll stick a couple of their tracks up too.
  17. Please don't put the picture up.
  18. Intelligent? c**t with a thesaurus more like
  19. Jake Bugg is brilliant! Such a talent, Not necessarily in sound but his song writing reminds me of Bob Dylan, very descriptive/story telling etc. No way near as advanced songwriting obviously, but neither were Dylan's early songs..
  20. Elbow deep in sheep fanny, I cant see it some how! Modern day propaganda, cringe worthy
  21. Like. Do you like really like have to say it every other f***ing word?
  22. Silence of the Lambs Heat Good Will Hunting Fracture (under rated film imo) Goodfellas
  23. Not sure if it's been up yet, but a quality new tune whatever
  24. I have this van, same as above really. Not the fastest but doesn't bother me, it will happily to 70- on motorway, though it will be a little noisy unless you have a solid bulkhead. Though like downsouth said, if you do a lot of motorway driving I'd maybe look at something else. Great on fuel, which to me is the most important thing these days. Mine has been very reliable, though it only had 17,000 on the clock when I bought it. They have a decent amount of space for a small van, more than connects and caddys etc.
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