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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. You are a serious master in brown nosing :notworthy:
  2. upload a new avatar without the hands and then, only then, will we be able to consider forgiving you
  3. Not being funny but you can get a brand new one for about £22..... 100 steel bearings about a fiver if that.
  4. Whys it interesting if its a load of shit lol?
  5. oh my butcher aint bad for the raw bones like; he dont even charge.mind you the prices he charges for his butcher meat he would have a f*****g cheek; got to say he is a good butcher I agree, butchers prices are a pisstake, I watched an old boy buying a couple of slices of ham and a bit of beef pate, £5, I looked at the guy selling it, and he never batted an eyelid, the robber. very true stealthy.i often see old folks in the butchers getting there wee bit breakfast stuff and a cut of meat and you just know some of the poor buggers by the way they say "have you got a smaller cu
  6. Now I look a twat after he has edited the post lol
  7. i cant tell what you are asking for? dosent make sense. atb, hj
  8. Sorry, I read the post too quick I've never had it, maybe they had a bad experience when you were handling them, seen something that scared them etc or it might just be age? I've normally found that once they are good they stay that way, but ive only reared a few litters so i might well be wrong. atb, HJ
  9. imo its nothing to do with age, mine learn not to nip just after there eyes open and they rarely nip ever again. Just handle then regulally and if they nip your finger, push it back into there mouth so they gag on it, its very effective and only needs to be one a couple of times from a young age
  10. A good method Ive used if for some reason you cant dig, is tie a few rabbits to different purse nets and leave them in the mouths the of the holes, you will see the purse nets twitching when the ferret has a rabbit. Not an ideal method but if your desperate it does work, especially if you have a sulker.
  11. A nice jacket would be good. Would look the part out digging lol
  12. Well mate bad new's my mate's blitz Done the same thing!! I aint being funny, but its only the head thats diffarent on the strikers than the blitz light, thay are all wiered the same. And for £6, its peanuts to replace the wiering. ALB X38 why should you have to spend anything on a lamp ? youv bought it so it should be fit for purpus! Because you dont really have a choice.... they are a better lamp than anything else just the wiring is shite
  13. One of my jills has a litter at the moment and is like a bag of bones, she managed to squeeze out between a slightly bent 1" bar on one of my hutches must have only been about 1 1/4" inches. luckily for me she was just wondering on the patio and I got her no problem.
  14. I've had a pair for a year, wore them solid thoughout the winter, never had any problems with them. Really warm in the winter, too warm for the summer imo. edit. mind are the ones with the full length zip, if that makes any difference
  15. Hello mate I have got a real good pair of high leg boots, wear them beating, ferreting, lamping etc never had any problems. Will dig out a photo for you
  16. I just use a 3-4 inch layer of shavings.
  17. Nice picture. Its strange but every summer I cant remember what its like in the winter, it just seems impossible it could be like that when they weather is like it is at the moment. I dont mind the summer but I've had enough now, ready for the frosts and ferreting atb, HJ
  18. I know that. All I want is the weight differences between the wood and plastic. I am currently happy with my wood box but if the plastic was a lot lighter then I would get one. If they are no lighter then I cant see the point at all, says easier to clean out but I've never found the need to clean mine out, just change the shavings.
  19. Could do but I thought it would be useful for people to know....
  20. Where did I say it was my forum? Look at the question on the post... I was looking for opinions... You right they might give me some info....as I said IN THE POST I dont have a problem with the genuinely knoledgable owners who give good advice... Just the soppy fecking shite that seems to be croping up
  21. I'm not saying about people who want to learn about ferreting...just one the ones who are clearly just pet owners and always will be. Or pet owners who took them out once for abit of a novelty. I could understand if there wasnt other pet forums...but there is loads.
  22. Simple question, Do you think there are too many pet owners on this section of the forum? Dont get me wrong, I've nothing against pet ferrets, they make good pets but I cant understand why you would join a hunting forum if you dont work them?......its not like there isnt a selection of pet forums which would surely be more suitable?... There are a few on here that are valuable members, giving good advice on illnesses etc but there seems to be a influx of wishy washy 'my little lad' 'my fluffy little chap' kind of posts and to be honest it makes me want to gag... lol. In my opinion th
  23. Any info on the weight differences between the wood and plastic? atb, HJ
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