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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. ive just brought 100 brand new nets thats why i want to shop about and buy some real good ones the seasons finished so theres no rush i just want to put something on thats going to last you know im treating my self Yeah I am the same, any old thing would work but it is nice using something well made. Its worth it in the long run Let us know if you find a decent type.
  2. Bamboo plant labels are a cheapish decent peg. Most my nets are on hazel pegs, I make them really nice with the palm ends rounded off smooth and cut a groove to tie the draw cord to rather than a hole. They take a while to make of you have 50 odd to do and I will just replace them with bamboo from now. I have brought a few different ferreting pegs and none nice quality. Any peg will do the job just some more comfortably that others. I make mine about 4" long which seems shorter than most but they do the job. They struggle in proper sand but I would rather that that carry around the carry arou
  3. Just flogged a copy for £380. Got two more copies here. You serious artic? If you are my copy is going on ebay
  4. HAHAHHAHAHA got caught out there :11: Trying to reinvent yourself? Proper funny. HJ
  5. Welcome to the site Do you have a brother called Whin?? HJ
  6. We used to play knock down ginger (knock a door run) but then leave a sticky note on there door saying something like 'i am watching you' Its pretty mental now I look back on it lol!! Totally stupid but thats what kids do Too many stuff to remember!
  7. What do you mean "again"? And no, I don't. Frankly I don't give a flying f##k if you fill in the forms or not, but just remember that the people who are working to get the census together are on not much better than minimum wage, and are working hard. The last thing they need is twats who think they're big and clever getting in their faces and giving them grief. And if you abuse one, then expect a visit from the police, I've seen some of the training and it's compulsory to report abusive people to the managers, who are supposed to pass the details on to the police to deal with. If
  8. Work really, got to work 6-7 days a week in summer as I dont get much work in the winter. Do a bit of barbel fishing in the evenings a couple of days a week. I am looking foward to the summer. I love ferreting and beating in the winter but I like the break of summer, keeps it fresh for me HJ
  9. Id imagine its so they can produce the same boxes and sell them both as ferret and terrier recievers. Its only the collars that are different, Unless you get the long range terrier one.
  10. Get the countrymans weekly instead. Its a better read than EDRD in my opinion joke........ EDRD is by far the best mag around for lurchers and terriers.
  11. Ohh..... get a life..... its hardly life or death!! Its a few days out not months or weeks. A small inconvenience....Yes Does it warrent a 7 line rant on a forum?.... No HJ
  12. I think its a complete piss take, fine of up to £1000 if not returned? are my own thoughts and opinions not even private without the threat of a fine? co-operation should work both ways, why should I help the greedy c**ts when I get f**k all in return?
  13. Unless you actually need to go off road regulally then theres no point in a 4x4. I know estates have a bit of a OAP stigma but they are perfect for dogs and practical for everything. Most good on fuel etc too. Not big and cumbersome to drive like a 4x4 either.
  14. Watch vista print...search 'vista print scam' on google they seems to have a bad rep with taking money out of accounts etc.
  15. They do look quality them new army ones, only thing im not keen on is it dosent look like they have the clips for the laces so might take longer to get them off and on. But they are a lot cheaper so worth a go Let us know how you get on with them if you buy them. HJ
  16. Lowa are as good as any boot out there. You wont go wrong with any of there range of boots. Some will say meindl but there seems to be a bit of inconsistancy in the quality of some, with leather starting to bubble etc. I've got a pair of meindl waldlaufer pro chainsaw boots and they are unbelievably good, I've worn them for 5 or more days a week for the last 2 years and they dont even look close to giving up, and thats with rough heavy work too. they felt like bricks when I first got them but gradually they softened up and are perfect now. Ive also got a pair of lowa walking boots tha
  17. Mick Dadd will do it. He done mine and is a decent bloke. He also makes new mk1 collars. His number is 01142 851372.
  18. Looks quality and to be fair its not ment for digging 10 foot.
  19. Looks quality mate, wish i was a bit more flush at the moment. Did you cut the yew yourself? atb, HJ
  20. Hob&Jill


    'Tales of the old poachers' by John humpheys is a good book. Nice easy reading, loads of stories rather than one long story. 'I walked by night' lilias rider haggard is another great one.
  21. What ever happens, we can guarentee that it will be way over the top and illogical!... The sensible thing would be for anyone who holds a SGC or FAC to be able to own one without having to do any further certificates etc. I cant think of a single reason why someone should be allowed to own a shotgun but not an air rifle. Maybe even something like a couple of hours of safety demonstration with a little certificate handed out at the end. I think that would be enough to put off the majority of the boneheads. If anything was introduced I would hope it would be a low key, fairly informal
  22. Its a shame it would come to licencing, but would it really be that much of a problem? It wouldnt be hard to get a licence if one was introduced and it might just put off a few of the chavvy dicks who view them more like toys from buying them. The shotgun licence is very easy to get so I cant see a air rifle one being hard. The air gun people are always banging on about idiots giving the sport a bad name and a licence is bound to put some people off bothering. All they have to do now is walk into a shop and £30 will get them a shitty SMK banger. If they had to fill in a form and applyi
  23. A bit vague, you can get shitty stainless multi tools in petrol stations/super markets etc for a couple of quid. £15 seems a bit steep for no info and no pics. Leatherman are the ones worth having.
  24. that did make me laugh! Fair play to the guy and I hope he manages to finish a couple more off in his time. Good luck to him. Anyone know how it works in prisons? I thought all the sex offenders where separated from the others?
  25. I actually think he is pretty funny on radio one 'oh whats occurring' always has me laughing! and as far as him being gay... at least he isnt one of the irritating gay feckers who shove thier gayness your face 24/7. I do have a problem with that, it does my head in. Scott mills seems a nice enough, pretty normal bloke to me. I wonder if he done the programme as a way to try get it more out there that he is gay whatever reason it wasnt a good show.
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