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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. Cant see anything wrong with what he said. Wouldnt eat it myself but like he said if it was humanely done etc then why not?
  2. Arsene Wenger? He would be one of the few non english I would be happy with. The FA would love him. Couldnt see him going for it mind.
  3. Christopher Biggins is a good mate.
  4. Fears and phobias are very different things. I have a phobia of frogs and toads. Genuinely terrified. And I used to work for a fishery with lots of them!
  5. Hob&Jill

    how long?

    Quick as posible for me. Although I have fallen asleep when tired in the mornings before, not good.
  6. I love them, i've heard they can start mimicking human speach if kept captive.
  7. I have done with a few mates just the odd day here and there and most have been spot on but a couple I have seen a different side to i.e. lazy c**t lol.
  8. Hob&Jill


    Great band, but if anything I would say they benefited in becoming a bigger band from his suicide rather than having been limited by it. atb, HJ
  9. Most that I see around are horrid fat pale eyed little blobby things, I dont know what people see in them.
  10. What course are you doing? I done the first diploma a few years ago. I dont have any books on the subject, sorry. HJ
  11. Cheers for the quick replys Are transformers ok to be used on building sites? HJ
  12. All of my power tools are 240v but may need to change to 110v soon. Is it simply a case of changing the sockets to 110v? or are all the internals different etc? Hope someone can help, HJ
  13. Well I am a self employed gardener at the moment and sometimes I enjoy it, sometimes I hate it. The monotony of weeding 8 hours a day really does drive me stir crazy at times! I am seriously thinking of re training as a carpenter as I'm naturally good with wood and my dads a retired chippy so he knows the score. atb, HJ
  14. To be honest if you think winning big brother is such an amazing achivement for the travelling community then you should maybe take a step back and have a look at yourself! For god sake, its a load of garbage crap on TV, not the f*****g nobel peace prize.
  15. I thought it wasnt long a go everyone was calling him a grassing c**t etc??
  16. Title says it all, what is your job? and do you enjoy it? atb, HJ
  17. Lighten up you tart, a bit of banter never hurt anyone.F**k me if everytime somebody puts something up do we have to all like it.......................It's never going to happen, as long as he is happy, who else really cares Pretty much what i posted, apart from the tart bit Iv'e correted your grammer as well. .........And the spelling. That would be grammar, corrected, I've and capital I. If you want to be picky.......
  18. "The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which." I think there must have been a deal with the 'rebels', military support in return for oil supplies a few years down the line once they are in power? atb, HJ
  19. Anything by jim corbett! About hunting and tracking down man eating tigers, leopards etc in india.
  20. Maybe you could give it a try and if you can still type afterwards you could let us know how you got on? lol... I was once told about the tooth fairy....found out last week it was a load of shit A friend of mines dad competes and trains dogs for schutzhund. I have been along a couple of times to the training and its seriously impressive stuff. I really hope oneday I will be the position to take it up with a good gsd. atb, HJ
  21. All the time I was waiting for a scarey face to top up and scare the shit out of me.
  22. Just cut it back to get to the stump with a saw and dig it. Wont be that hard, half an hour or so. A pick axe/mattock and scaffold bar would be handy but spade will be fine, the main root ball shouldnt be more than 1-2ft or so, dont worry to much about the little roots left in they wont regrow.
  23. Hob&Jill


    Wonder if the tough guys who say he deserved it would say the same in front of his grieving parents and family etc? Yes if he was drink driving, then it was a very stupid thing to do and has cost him big time, but everyone makes mistakes and learns from them but sadly he didnt get the chance to learn from his. The passenger was probably just as drunk as he was and had the choice not to get in.
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