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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. Moving logs. HJ edit...as in lengths of trunk on smaller trees.
  2. All in all we can moan about England all we like but we had a pretty good roll of the dice if we are honest! We could have been born into Pakistan, North Korea, Somalia, Afghanistan, Scotland etc. HJ
  3. He says he is having a year off football so none.
  4. Was listening to LBC radio the other day and the fella was talking about this list. Stupid twat was making out it was so irresponsible and dangerous of the national trust to encourage kids to do this stuff!
  5. Very good drawings. I think that's the kind of skill you either have or you haven't, I certainly haven't!
  6. If your a tradesman why dont you try sticking a few adverts around in shops etc, Most around me are about 50p a week so you cant really go wrong, I always put a load of shop ads out for my gardening work and they are easily the best value in terms of work gained from the cost of the ads. Nothing ventured nothing gained . atb, HJ
  7. What a f*****g twat going to the papers with the story!
  8. Feck off and pm each other, no offence but no ones interested in your gay little argument
  9. Herion imo is in a league of its own. Yeah to be fair probably shouldnt of put coke in with herion. Both of them are in a different league of weed though..
  10. When you guys say 'drug dealers are scum of the earth' etc, are you including people who are selling a bit of cannabis? Genuine question. I've got mates who work full time and very work hard, and they also sell a bit of weed too. These are decent people who enjoy a smoke, just like others who enjoy a beer. Cannabis isnt in the same league as coke, heroine etc. There is absolutely no logical reason why it should be illegal when alcohol/fags are legal. What about all the medical benefits too! My old man smoked it when he broke his ankle for the 3rd time. said it was better than anything he had
  11. Sounds very similar to what my bitch had. Took her to the vets and it was an infected usterus, she was spayed and shes been fine since.
  12. Great songs on here , good to see there is a few fans on here Blood on the tracks seems to be his most popular album but my 2 favourite albums are 'the freewheeling bob dylan' and 'the times they are a chaging' atb, HJ
  13. http://youtu.be/ObZnGRGJmy8 No one writes lyrics like Dylan
  14. http://youtu.be/cLiLSRKms30 http://youtu.be/YwSZvHqf9qM
  15. Any other Dylan fans on here? I think the guy is a f*****g genius and am obsessed with all his music! Read his books and I have 11 albums so far and counting. Surely he is the one of the most influential musicians ever? Here is a few of my favourites... http://youtu.be/E8d-XUknADY http://youtu.be/n4JjOmfmAvM So to any other Dylan fans, what are your favourite songs/ albums? atb, HJ
  16. I had my old dog put down about 12 months a go, cried my eyes out on the day. I had him since I was 5 years old so it was'nt easy. Saying that, I think the poem/song is shit, as is the video. atb, HJ
  17. Amazon if your taking legal downloads. iTunes is good but is usually more expensive than amazon. Free I don't know.
  18. Orijen. Nothing beats it for me. Fecking pricey though,.
  19. I think carbon steel will blunt quicker than a stainless knife but is easier to get a razor edge on carbon as it is softer.
  20. Media were interviewing an indian guy who witnessed the event,the indian's english wasnt so good but I am sure he said the knife-man was black bet his English is spot on when he's gotta sign on The Indians I know would put a lot of english to shame in their work ethic. Its the Paki's/Somalis etc that are bone idle.
  21. Have a look at the 'Meindl Waldlaufer' Ive been wearing them for work for 3 years and they are unreal. I wear them 5 days a week minimum doing work, chainsaws, digging etc and they are tough as ever. Very comfortable too, I've worn them beating and ferreting etc. They are easily as comfy as my lowa walking boots. Be warned though they will feel like bricks at first but a few days and they wear in very nicely. Really cant reccomend them enough.
  22. Just remember......CATAPULT PIRACY IS A CRIME!
  23. I am a gardener and have a few customers in thier 70's-90's and I am easily say they are my favourite people to work for. Polite, friendly, know how to speak to people in general. One old boy I work for is a right old charicter. He was 95 the first time I met him and the week later he was 93.....I think he has lost track but he's in his 90's lol. Well the first time I met him I pulled up to his drive to see him on the top run of a step ladder painting his shed roof! I spoke to him about it and he says the trouble with these newly retired 'kids' is once they hit 65 all they want to do is
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