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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. that is a totally incorrect statement absolute rubbish Scotch deerhound, if your going to say something like that atleast try and back up your argument with stories ect. what use is you saying that to anyone?
  2. I dont see the point in even taking a spade like that. No offence but I cant even imaging digging a decent sized hole with that.
  3. Lol what a dick. Do us a favour and PM him the link to this thread!
  4. I wouldnt have put a tin in with them, Its not exacty hard to take it out the tin. And try to start feeding them meats (fresh) I changed mine onto it (after using dry) and there looking great and are more active and there water bottle dosent need filing up every day lol
  5. I dont know much, if anything about long netting and would like to know the pros and cons of each type of net. What are the main differences and the pros and cons of each? I have notied that Rabbithunter seems to hate quickset ones lol Josh
  6. I use Bob Martin spray, seems to work well.
  7. How did you manage that? My Dad had ferreted for 20 years without locators and never lost a Ferret. I imagine thi sto be the exeption to the rule I suppose, Thats why im aking the question lol
  8. lol, Would be a pain in the ass when you dig down 5 feet to find a rusty nail or something lol!!
  9. Lol right buttom I want to catch a coloured rabbit, ive seen a few black ones around but never bolted one. Josh
  10. Supersports are great. And yes it will take all quary suitabl ewith air rifles. I wouldnt say they are heavy though! alot heavyier guns out there.
  11. Hi, As im quite new to Ferreting I still sometimes get abit nervous when working them, only on big hedge rows and places that would be hard to dig to. I dont know what would happen if I were to get a dig under a hedge, does this ever happen? because I bet digging under one of those would be a pain in the ass! and as the title states have you ever lost any Ferrets whilst Ferreting?
  12. Each to there own but Id rather spend my money on somthing else lol
  13. Without a doubt, Most dogs who live in kennels have really nice thick coats.
  14. Where is it you live? As I dont know of this law.
  15. Moll, What is that dog on the background on second pic? Sorry not very good on my Terriers lol
  16. My best worker is a very small Jill (I think shes small anyway). She is about 14 inches Nose to tip of tail, Handles like a Kitten (as in cat) and works like a Tiger on Rabbits. I will get pics up soon. Hiya, Heres a pic of my Jill: Little Jill And im just curious to find out what 'jib on a squirrel' meens? As in spitting on it?!!
  17. Were the Dobermans quick? I have always liked them, look quite fast. Josh
  18. I did think the same Frank, I only have my big Hobs in there, but my Jills have been in there for a day and they didnt escape. I am going to change the front anyway soon, That was all I had avalible at the time really and I needed it quick as I picked up my new ferrets that same day lol.
  19. Here is the cage I have recently made. Very easy and it didnt cost me a penny, all of the wood was found in skips (p***y lol) as was the caging on the front and the frame was an old book shelf thingy that we had in the loft. The frame The finished product
  20. Hob&Jill


    i have saw this tattooist on a program before. the implement has loads of small needles in the end molly Miami Ink? Exelent programme.
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