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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. You want want to try and get them with about a 50p sort of size, thats if you intent to shoot live quarry. Firsty you should be trying to get groups, dont worry if its in the center of the target, as long as all the pellets are landing very close to each other, then you can go about geting the gun at perfect zero. I considering buying that rifle, just gotta get some cash. And btw a fun way to practise is to try and shoot cocktail sticks out the ground (its f*****g hard!)
  2. Just wondering but when we talk about Pest Control is this also including Wasp nests, Cockroachs ETC?
  3. Im thinking of buying some strips of leather, I do like the mark3 collars just not the material, and I think Debens have made the holes slightly to big on them. I dont think it would be to hard to make some leather collars.
  4. Just bred a litter of GSD X GREYHOUND One for my own use five bitches in litter no dogs The sire is a dog called Dine Daw lad 23 out of 25 races he is also a prolific sire The Dam is my own White GSD she caught a fox pre ban at nine months old she caught a rabbit two days after having the pups by accident Iwould not have run her intentionally I was just taking her for a quite walk there is no show breeding anywhere near her her back is nice a flat Cant ask more than that lol
  5. One of my Ferrets is called ASBO lol How about Roy? great girls name lol
  6. I tried Squirrel meat for the first time the other day, it is fecking lovely! I meen like nicer than chicken and all 'normal' meats lol, I think I am going to have to start shoot more Tree Rats! Ok, heres how I cooked it..... Ingrediants Two Squirrel back legs Bread crumbs Bacon Butter 1 Egg Method 1.Dip Squirrel legs in whisked Egg, and role it in the Breadcrumbs. 2.Rap the Legs in one or two rashes of nice thick Bacon 3.Put in oven, With a huge piece of Butter on top of them both. Hope that make sense lol, Oh and Im not sure what Temp the oven was on
  7. Precharged or springer? and how much you got to spend? I personally would go for a good springer, just my preference. BSA Lightning Tactical Dreaming This would be my ultimate lol Good luck finding one. EDIT>Sorry mods, just realised I put in a 'u' instead of a 'you'
  8. Thought you found your Ferrets? Or did your 7 year old son lose them again?
  9. Lol, Wouldnt mind trying that myself. Heard of a few people doing it, bet a Squirrel would be a tough match for a Ferret though, I would try the Poly Jill in the video, shes a tough little fert. I want to gain abit more experiance before I try it though. What do you guys think, in terms of a harder match for Ferret, Rat or Squirrel? Ive never tried ratting either, To be honest I have been put of by the tales in one of Plummers books of Ferrets coming out with there Jaws and Eyes bitten off. Josh
  10. Ah, I put one ones by the doorway so they have to climb over it, there normally on top of each other but the ferret knocked one of when eating the Squirrel. Gives them something to climb over, keeps them active, and you never know might help keep there nails down?. The ones by the shit corner are to keep the shit spreading all over the gaff. Im trying to find something abit more practical but as we have loads of bricks (just done a patio) thought I would use them. Oh and I have cleaned them out lol, I had been feeding the dry food that past weeek as I didnt have any meat on me, Has an
  11. I prefer to tie it up So they get to tug it around around and tare the flesh of easier and also stops them dragging it into there bed and geting it all wet with blood. You seem rather agressive? There is no harm to the ferrets being done, I dont leave the rope in there long. Just checked the Squirrel now and theyve ate all the rib cage and heart, lungs etc and now having a nap lol.
  12. Just because I am eating the legs Tonight so I skinned it all. Quite hard to skin actually. EDIT>oh and BTW those funny squeeks are me whistling for the dog, came out all funny on the video lol.
  13. Ferrets Favorite meal First time I have fed them Squirrel, they went crazy over it when I first put it on. I am trying the leg meat tonight, Never ate Squirrel before, not sure what to expect lol. Josh
  14. Na, Sony Ericsson! I got a Motorola at the mo and its shit, wish I never dropped my Sony Ericsson in a f****n lake. Cant work out why its not working mate?
  15. Yes, even more so than Chocolate. Think Raisons are too?
  16. I never seen one of those! With the red eyes it could be a Albino dyed? (sp) Very pretty lol
  17. Zinc air, alkaline are ok but dont have the lifespan Dunno if its a load of bollocks or not but it says on the mark3 packet that you shouldnt use the zinc air ones?
  18. Nice dogs and pups, nice TV aswel lol. Hows the big stud dog bred? Josh
  19. probably worked with other collars
  20. Sure..... lol Why not breed some shit-zuxwhippet lurchers when the pups abit older, frank?
  21. Nice pics, and some nice land you got. What was wrong with the mark3? Starting to get worried now, as Ive orded one, fingers crossed it will be ok for me.
  22. Just wondering really, Does anyone work or have worked Pure Greys? I meen lamping rabbits, ferreting, ect. I imagine they might be abit to quick for there own good? Josh
  23. Where is the dogs water? If its outside it could just be that the water is cold.
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