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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. No real question about it, it has happened and will more than likely happen again. Google 'innocent people executed'.
  2. I'd rather see proper sentancing and full life in prison personally. If one innocent person is killed then IMO that just isn't worth the death penalty. Innocent people have been killed on numerous occasions too. It is also proven to be far more expensive to the tax payer to execute someone than it is to keep them in prison, what with all the appeals process etc. http://listverse.com/2010/01/12/10-convicts-presumed-innocent-after-execution/
  3. iPhone's and Galaxys and all smart phones are great. Why does everyone have to be either team one or the other lol. Few years ago computers couldn't do half the shit you can do on these phones! Remember WAP and snake? lol It shouldn't be a case of one vs the other, they both have pro's and cons. I personally love the build quality and intuitiveness of iPhone's. The droid phones seem to always be one step ahead with camera's and memory/speed etc. I used to take the piss out of people with smartphones lol, but since I've got one I think its one of the best things I've ever bought. Not
  4. It's a fecking blob on the water lol.
  5. That's nothing.....I'm a dyslexic, agnostic insomniac. I lie awake at night wondering if there really is a dog.
  6. Good luck mate sounds like a good trip you are doing. Rew the original creator of THL's best thread, Catapults. Still going 5 years later lol.
  7. I agree that it is probably a bit far arresting him. I just guess the drown message was the one that they could get him on. But if you read his twitter page and see the video he put on YouTube there is no way it was meant in any funny way. He is clearly a disturbed angry kid who enjoys putting people down and needs attention, is a typical bully really.
  8. I imagine is the tweet that he threatened to drown Tom Daley that got him nicked. What a brave guy, calling people out at his computer. Anyone see the youtube video?
  9. Shame he has got all this attention, the c**t will be thriving on it.
  10. . CIVILIANS ARE ! KEEP UP FERRET KEEP UP . OOOPS BEST KEEP YOU IN THE LINK SCHOOL TEACHERS AND STUDENTS What is your problem? I am pleased they are filling the seats in. Even if they are being given to a select few who are off work at the moment. I don't mind being wrong about the whole seats thing, I never said I knew what was happening, just guessing. You didn't agree with me and then started calling names . You must be very proud,,,
  11. Didn't think civilians would get them. I wonder whether they are giving the soldiers the tickets or more asking them to sit in the seats? Seems a bit silly if they are just being told to sit in them to create the appearance of a large crown.
  12. Bet they don't use that term for crabbing around Morecambe bay.
  13. :laugh: YOU AINT GOT AN IGLOO And you've really shown you have. I don't have a clue at all, just using common sense. I can see you probably think its a case of opening the fire door at the back of the stadium and heroically shouting "come on in kids! free seats for everyone" . And I'm sure you are right. If only you were running things. I've got to go anyway, busy trying to bash my head through a brick wall.
  14. dont care who has paid or how many chinks didnt turn up get these seats filled with kids armed forces any one who want to watch Why? You haven't got enough to think about if you're getting angry over a few empty seats lol GUESS SOME PEOPLE WILL MOAN ABOUT PEOPLE MOANING FERRET FACE LOL just seen this. Ferret Face? That's as good as you could do? Name calling, pretty old school. Forgive me if I save my tears for later, I'm finding it pretty hard to come to terms with and that insult really cut through my soul Well you're just a silly poo face anyway!
  15. Its a nice idea just letting a load of people in if there is empty seats but it could never happen realistically.
  16. I know what you mean and in an ideal world that could happen. But I dread to even think of the amount of security, paper work, risk assesments and back ground checks that have to go on before hand. Probably for the best too really. I'd rather a few empty seats than some deranged paki with a bag full of wires getting in lol
  17. Guess some people will always actively look for something to moan and complain about.
  18. dont care who has paid or how many chinks didnt turn up get these seats filled with kids armed forces any one who want to watch Why? You haven't got enough to think about if you're getting angry over a few empty seats lol
  19. They can only sell the tickets they have, up to the people to turn up after that. Beijing had a lot of empty seats too if I remember right.
  20. I went down the pub instead. Feel bad really but I just have no interest in the Olympics. Couldn't give a shite about volley ball and badminton etc any other time of the year so why now? I'm not against it, pleased its here for the people who do enjoy it but I just cant get enthusiastic about it.
  21. That is one sinister bird. I will never trust a Heron again.
  22. Says what? I don't see the link between the 2 things?
  23. On a different note, years ago my mates sister went to bed and left her phone lying around. We used the voice recorder on the phone and recorded something like "OHH YEAH, f**k MY BUM, OHH YEAH, f**k MY BUM". Set that as the ringtone and called her the next morning while she was on a busy train to London
  24. Technically I did, as it says in your quote......he failed his medical.
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