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Everything posted by Hob&Jill

  1. Thought he was full of shit.
  2. Is it strange that pro.moneyweek.com is hosted by a different company than moneyweek.com? Genuine question....
  3. Can anyone find the video if you go on to moneyweek.com and look for it through there?
  4. They are innocent until they're proven guilty by a fair trial, that's how civilised democracy's work. As has been said, if he has done something wrong then put him on trial, it's as simple as that. We are no better than the savages in Afghanistan if we turn a blind eye to this.
  5. Why's that? He is trying to help an innocent man who's being detained without a trial. A paki living in our country isn't innocent. The sort of retardedly dumb reply I'd expect.
  6. Why's that? He is trying to help an innocent man who's being detained without a trial.
  7. Strange one, as he has never seemed to me the attention seeking type, and I was under the impression he wanted out of the lime light and was sick of comedy etc. I suppose it will raise a bit of awareness for the cause he is supporting, but he isn't going to achieve anything through it.....apart from getting hungry
  8. Hob&Jill


    Fair enough, I'm just getting into the building trade so perhaps I'm a bit more naive/enthusiastic In 20 years my views might be different
  9. Hob&Jill


    Least you're in work, and doing something to keep you in work. I'd jump at the opportunity to do a qualification like that.
  10. His name was Lee Rigby.
  11. Wait to see if it actually happens, probably just sensationalist bullshit from the sun.
  12. That's what most birds look like after I've got the old Python out on 'em.
  13. He can't go Malt, I just simply can't imagine a THL world without him
  14. Hob&Jill


    Geese are the same when they have young. We used to have to go and collect their eggs off the island where I worked, the fuckers would suddenly charge you like a rhino flying out the bush ....I'd run like a fecking girl
  15. What if the jokes on us......He'll probably arrive in Jordan and they'll fecking make him King
  16. See, the real truthaghhhhlkcdsnvjklcx vvipf
  17. You lot fecking ask for the Irish jokes
  18. That's a poor attempt at one of those facebook speeches.
  19. Good choice! That will probably still be purring in 15 years, Stihl are class.
  20. Best ones when they have a thick Indian accent etc and tell you their name's Dave.
  21. f**k having an egg and spoon race with her....
  22. My boss has offered me an extra £10 a day to sign write my van with his company details etc. I'm not too keen on the idea as it's my van and I worked my boll*cks off to pay for the thing, but equally the money would be very handy so I'm thinking I'll probably go for it. Only thing that worries me is the van is immaculate (58 reg Combo Van) and I intend to own it for a long while, probably longer than I'll work for the company. I've seen vans with permanent sign writing markings after it's been removed and don't want think for my motor...Is it just a case of a good T-cutting to get rid? An
  23. I think pond's/lakes are a similar thing, and also a bushes and a trees. There's no way of defining the size apart from human judgement? Maybe wrong, think I remember hearing it somewhere
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