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Everything posted by Chickens4ever05

  1. I use a flirt pole ( paople woth a line and dried rabbit skin) to get the pup chasing and improoving there strike heres a couple of pics the pup is 31/2 months and for reteiving a dummy like you said Tom
  2. honestly i have never been ratting and just want an opertunity to go for the crack, im def not a tree hugger or anti pm me if its a possiblity, i know what its like taking people you dont know but we all have to start somwhere, it was hard when i started rabbiting but have a few guys i go with now regular cheers Tom
  3. just wondering, i work whippets on rabbits and bolted arat the other week the whippt tried but wouldnt connect. it look fun and had a look on here and seen some impressive bags og 200 and more, just wondering if there is anyone from lancashire or yorkshire or some where near im willing to travelis going ratting with terriers ect where i could mabe go with the whippet for a crack, preferable one where you would get big number to see if i can get the whippet to bag a few. anyone who wouldn't mind let me know Thanks Tom
  4. top result mate hopfully the start of many Tom
  5. nice dogs, im sure she will soon learn to save her energy till slipped and soon be focused from the start mate good luck Tom
  6. i love the whippet this is my first season out but heres a few pics for you too look at. Hare shot and retrived all every thing caught Daytime. they work cover well dispite what people say there not as soft and frigile as non whippet workers make out, and they don't half have good stamina I never had the pleasure of working dogs prio the ban but they are more than capable of deer and fox too im sure some other whippeties will have some proof for you
  7. I THINK THE POINT OF THIS POST IS BEING MISSED, WHAT ROBERT IS SAYING IS HE FEELS THAT KC REGISTERED WHIPPETS ARE CRACKING FOR WORKING BUT SOME NEED A BOOST IN THE JAW AND BONE STRUCKTURE. TOM threre is loads of whippets being used but the problem with them is there like kc dogs there all breed the same laguna this & that sotty sam ect all the same right through there breeding. they go for daft prices becouse they come with a kc witch just means that the breed is f**ked from the kcs history & you have to pay more. give me a good x any day & i use a whippet now so i have no rea
  8. yes it is, they seem to be struggling this season but hey, with sid the kid and malkin who cares lol, don you watch the britsh teams i watch manchester phoenix every week Tom
  9. whippets are supposed to be good kean dogs on fox as they have very strong prey drive and hearts like lions, if your dog as it in them to take fox they will, and dont be put off by the fragile look of a whippet iv seen some good high speed whipeout and they bonce back up and cantinue a cracking cours finished with a top strike, and catch. Tom
  10. totally agree with what your saying just putting a well known proven name there that you will find in lots of good working dogs, and which i know works for me and others i go out ferreting with, im no knocking other line just mentioning one Tom
  11. want a good working whippet then sooty sam lines are what you want, the majority of lurcher folk think whippets are shivering Ba****ds but the whippet workers know these are the ultimate rabbiting Dog, Sooty Same took all legal quarry in his time, 1000's of rabbits, hares, foxes Roe every thing these dogs have stamina, and drive they have a good nose and are bever wrong, the man wanted photos, heres a few of mine not the best as its my first ever season but you will see wat we mean. they can take some rough tumble and still catch squirrel
  12. hi im Tom, im new here and started rabbiting this season, so a true novise, i got a whippet 18months ago and have just got a second one on new years eve, they are cracking dogs when you have the groung to run them on. heres some pics for a few trips we have had this year, enjoy latest outing well this is the third time i have been to this farm as it new permission frist too time were hard and this time we had to proove our worth, we were only going out for a quick look so we Took Dodger along to see his future job lol. the first set is a 5 holer so onec netted up down when lilly
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